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Use Worksection to the fullest. Part 2: Data migration, Automation, Non-obvious features

This is the sec­ond part of the arti­cle about Work­sec­tion fea­tures. Fol­low the link to read the first part.

Data Migra­tion and Automation 

Work­sec­tion’s func­tion­al­i­ty sim­pli­fies the process of migrat­ing from oth­er sys­tems, import­ing and export­ing information.


There is a con­ve­nient fea­ture in the Import” sec­tion of your account set­tings if you are migrat­ing from anoth­er system. 

Select the tool you are migrat­ing from and trans­fer data to Work­sec­tion. You can do migra­tion from these ser­vices: Trel­lo, Asana, Jira, MS Project and more!

Task Import and Export

To export or import data, you need to go to the set­tings and select the appro­pri­ate option.

The next step is to select the doc­u­ment for­mat that you want to import or export and the prop­er set of set­tings for the data transfer.

This allows you to export and save any page in the sys­tem, includ­ing reports. When export­ing reports, you also have a list of cri­te­ria by which you can down­load infor­ma­tion, includ­ing the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories: tasks, expens­es, author, respon­si­ble, project.

Automa­tion of Data Trans­fer: Web­hooks та Zapier 

Use Web­hooks and Zapi­er to con­nect Work­sec­tion with oth­er services.


Web­hooks auto­mat­i­cal­ly send infor­ma­tion to a web address of your choice when some­thing changes in your account. This means you can get updat­ed with­out delay. Learn more about Webhooks.


Zapi­er inte­gra­tion con­nects Work­sec­tion to over 5000 ser­vices, includ­ing Google Sheets, GitHub, Sale­Force, MailChimp, Zen­desk, Drop­box, and more. Learn more about Zapier.

Non-obvi­ous Features

Account Menu

The Account menu is locat­ed in the top right cor­ner and dis­plays noti­fi­ca­tions, projects, tasks, and bookmarks.

  • Noti­fi­ca­tions. Click the bell to view sys­tem notifications. 
  • My Projects and Tasks. Sec­tions dis­play­ing all your avail­able projects and tasks. This makes it easy for you to switch between them.
  • Book­marks. Save your most fre­quent­ly viewed pages in this section.
  • Search. Search is the place where you can find any infor­ma­tion in the sys­tem by key­word search.

Noti­fi­ca­tion filters

You can fil­ter noti­fi­ca­tions accord­ing to the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories: men­tion, task, task clo­sure, com­ment, file. This helps you not to miss impor­tant infor­ma­tion when you have a heavy workload.

Access to Google Drive

You can eas­i­ly share files stored on a disk with­in the sys­tem by pro­vid­ing access to Google Drive.


Com­mu­ni­ca­tion in Work­sec­tion takes place with­in the task. We would like to high­light the fol­low­ing non-obvi­ous fea­tures of comments
  1. The Shift+3 short­cut to recall a task;
  2. Set­ting up com­ment filters;
  3. The abil­i­ty to pub­lish hid­den comments.

Task his­to­ry

By click­ing on the three dots”, then more” and select­ing the task his­to­ry” sec­tion, you can view the his­to­ry of a task. All actions that occur with­in the task are includ­ed in the task history.

Fil­ters and bookmarks

The Work­sec­tion fil­ter is a handy tool for sep­a­rat­ing the infor­ma­tion you need from the gen­er­al data stream.

In Work­sec­tion, you can save fil­ter para­me­ters for quick access to information:

Option #1

Open the con­text menu in the fil­ter pane, select Book­marks”, cre­ate a suit­able name, and click Save”.

Option #2

Go to the Book­marks” per­son­al menu and click the star at the bot­tom of the screen. Name the page and click the Save” but­ton.

​Help and Hotkeys

Use the Help” but­ton to find a link to the FAQ sec­tion of the ser­vice. You can also write to tech­ni­cal sup­port and find oth­er use­ful materials.

The list of hotkeys that you can use to improve your user expe­ri­ence is the most inter­est­ing part of this section:

How to use it?

First­ly, under­stand that you don’t need to use every fea­tures all at once. Start by get­ting famil­iar with the infor­ma­tion and test­ing the fea­tures that you find most inter­est­ing and effective.

Our advice is to use the sys­tem in accor­dance with your com­pa­ny’s needs. This means that you don’t need to adapt to the struc­ture of the ser­vice, but the ser­vice will adapt to your needs. In this way, you will get a real assis­tant in the orga­ni­za­tion of your work process.

Good luck!

Read also: Use Work­sec­tion to the fullest. Part 1:System set­tings, Bulk actions, Templates

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