About us:
- Digital agency
- The team consists of 15 persons
- 9 years in the market
- More than a hundred of implemented projects
- 55+ customers, including Libresse, Libero, ТЕТ, 1+1, ATB, Philips, Khortytsia etc.
- The company has been using Worksection for more than two years
Challenges from major brands
We have been operating in the market since 2009, dealing with online communications. Our agency experience started from local projects for big businesses, then we developed all-inclusive service for small businesses. And eventually, we started to work with major brands.
Major brands mean complex companies with multilevel tasks which cannot be planned on a sheet of paper or in an Excel table. A website, BTL activation, dealing with opinion leaders, content creation, its distribution and promotion — it is impossible to retain such scope of tasks in mind, no matter how multitasked and efficient manager you are.
The senior manager should oversee the team’s activities, know what happens and when, who does what, and he/she has to understand how much time is needed for it.
Why Worksection
How to make an advertising agency up and running?
At a certain point, we came to a conclusion that we needed a task manager. We tried using Basecamp, Asana, Trello and other systems. We enquired what was popular in the market, what our colleagues and customers used.
As a result, we ended up operating Worksection. For us, this system appeared to be the most user-friendly one, we even did not have to view the video guidelines. The team adopted Worksection with no hassle.
Being part of Sasquatch Digital, we are keen on the system approach to have everything wellorganized.
When I open the program, I see lists, tables, kanban, and it brings me into the condition of operational serenity. I understand that everything is under control.
One program for everybody
Our team consists of 15 persons: designers, RND department, SMM specialists, account managers and the team in charge of comprehensive advertising. All specialists have different tasks. For some of them, it is essential to track the timing. For instance, our account clearly ranks tasks in order of urgency. As for me, I need to see priorities in tasks. I look at the colored scale, and everything becomes clear for me.

It is excellent to have a system describing the whole work of a team. It makes it possible to get back to any point and clarify details.
What I like in it
I like the fact about Worksection that we can transform the scope of tasks for ourselves. For instance, we may highlight something with a color, format a text to draw attention to some point, add links, upload files. And finally, we may integrate all these with Slack or Google Doc, which is very useful for an event agency.
What is convenient is the kanban function. Of course we might cover all walls with sticky notes in our office, but what for? In Worksection, I have the kanban view fully configured. It is a compact and convenient software to perceive all ongoing tasks and processes.

About emojis
We use an entire set of emojis available in Worksection. We even used to ask our employees: «Just send „thumb-up“ if you accept the task!» It is convenient.

Recently we were discussing what could be added to the emojis. And we understood that Worksection has few negative smileys. Will you please add some?
Life before Worksection
Before adopting Worksection, we just discussed tasks between ourselves and set them via email. We lacked a structured task-setting process. Something could be lost, something could be overlooked or misperceived by a team member. We did not have clear understanding who would do what today. One always had to raise his/her head and ask: «What are you doing today?»
About planning
In what way are hourly rates counted in a digital agency?
Any type of business requires a task manager. Everywhere, if there are more than two executors, planning is crucial, as well as control of tasks and processes. Let us assume that we underuse the function of work hours rating in Worksection.
At the same time, there are companies for which time tracking is the number one issue. There is an entire stratum of freelancers who want to work in a systematic and regulated way. By using Worksection, whey may get connected into an agency project and interact with customers there.
Worksection is a logical and convenient solution for digital entities. It is much better than a
If we take Worksection away from the agency’s processes, every second person will say: «How shall I set a task now?», the rest will exclaim: «I had all my plans there!» Worksection structures not only the team’s work, but the person’s own daily schedule. It is really convenient.