•     •   3 min read

Assign tasks automatically: Google Sheets + Worksheet

We con­tin­ue to intro­duce you to the pos­si­bil­i­ties of direct inte­gra­tion with Zapi­er. Today, we’re going to take a clos­er look at how you can auto­mate the process of set­ting tasks from Google Sheets in Work­sec­tion. First, let’s tell you a lit­tle bit about Zapi­er.

About Zapi­er

Zapi­er con­nects dif­fer­ent online plat­forms through auto­mat­ed process­es (or zaps”), allow­ing data to be exchanged between them.

In this way, Zapi­er makes it pos­si­ble to set up auto­mat­ed actions in Work­sec­tion, reduc­ing a com­plex process to a few sim­ple steps. This makes it much eas­i­er to man­age every­day tasks, automat­ing them and free­ing up time for more impor­tant things.

Let’s get down to busi­ness and set up automa­tion between Google Sheets and Worksection.

Google Sheets + Worksection

We have pre­pared a prac­ti­cal case for you, where we will set up and test the automa­tion, that is, the process of auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­at­ing a task in the work­space sys­tem when fill­ing in a row in the cor­re­spond­ing Google Sheets table. 

Set­ting up a trigger

We select New Spread­sheet Row in Google Sheets” as the trig­ger. By doing so, fill­ing in a row in the select­ed Google Sheets work­sheet will trig­ger an action in the Work­sec­tion account.

Adding a sheet

To add the required work­sheet, you must first log in to your Google account. Then, in the Trig­ger” tab, select the required sheet in the spec­i­fied table. 

Then let the sys­tem test the trig­ger, and you’re ready to move on to the next stage.

Action set­tings

We select Cre­ate task in project” as the action:

After the autho­riza­tion stage in Work­sec­tion, you need to enter data to auto­mat­i­cal­ly fill in the task with data from the table. 

In this arti­cle, we will give you an exam­ple of how to fill in the fields. When set­ting up your own automa­tion, you will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cus­tomize it to your own needs.

You can either enter text man­u­al­ly or paste the rel­e­vant cells from Google Sheets, which will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly inte­grat­ed into the task once they are filled in.

We have pre­pared a detailed video tuto­r­i­al to help you set up the automa­tion process. So, to learn more about the algo­rithm, please, check out our YouTube chan­nel 🎥

What is the use of such automation?

The pos­si­bil­i­ties for use are lim­it­ed only by your busi­ness needs. Zapi­er serves as a reli­able assis­tant to which you can trans­fer rou­tine tasks, effec­tive­ly free­ing up time for more impor­tant things.

In par­tic­u­lar, Google Sheets + Work­sec­tion automa­tion helps with:

Resource plan­ning for the project manager

The case

​A project man­ag­er at a large IT com­pa­ny is respon­si­ble for allo­cat­ing resources across numer­ous projects. Giv­en the vary­ing scope and needs of dif­fer­ent projects, it is nec­es­sary to bal­ance the work­load of the team while ensur­ing that the projects get completed.

Automa­tion: Use Zapi­er to cre­ate an auto­mat­ed process that auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ates tasks in Work­sec­tion when infor­ma­tion is added to Google Sheets. The Zapi­er con­fig­u­ra­tion works by cre­at­ing a cor­re­spond­ing task in Work­sec­tion for each project list­ed in the spread­sheet, with details on resources, pri­or­i­ty, and timing. 

Track­ing the deliv­ery of orders to the client

The case

A small online store that is just get­ting start­ed can use automa­tion with Google Sheets to keep track of new orders. Each row in the spread­sheet con­tains order details. These include cus­tomer name, email, prod­uct list, and order date.

Automa­tion: When an employ­ee adds a new row to the spread­sheet, Zapi­er auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ates a new task in Work­sec­tion to process the order, where the team can track the sta­tus of the pro­duc­t’s pro­cess­ing, ship­ping, and delivery.

Mar­ket­ing cam­paign planning

The case

The mar­ket­ing depart­ment is plan­ning cam­paigns and is using Google Sheets to assign tasks, set due dates, and iden­ti­fy owners.

Automa­tion: Fill­ing in a row in a spread­sheet with infor­ma­tion about a new task with­in the com­pa­ny auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ates a task in Work­sec­tion in the cor­re­spond­ing project.

To sum­ma­rize

So far, we’ve suc­cess­ful­ly show­cased the inte­gra­tion capa­bil­i­ties of Work­sec­tion and Zapi­er using Google Sheets as an exam­ple of easy automa­tion. This infor­ma­tion is intend­ed to help you improve your project man­age­ment skills, orga­nize your work­flow more effi­cient­ly, and con­tribute to the progress of your business.

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