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How to Use Advanced Settings in Projects

Work­sec­tion allows you to sep­a­rate­ly con­fig­ure your projects, cre­ate spe­cif­ic rules, and set restric­tions in advanced set­tings for greater project con­trol. In this arti­cle, we will explore the capa­bil­i­ties of advanced set­tings, the types of sta­tus­es, and the nuances of restric­tions with­in projects.

Sta­tus Sets

When cre­at­ing a new project, you can choose the required sta­tus and label sets1 for tasks in this project. The sta­tus deter­mines the stages tasks will go through, and the labels help briefly describe the task, speed­ing up search, task group­ing, and report generation.

Addi­tion­al­ly, in pre­mi­um sub­scrip­tion plans, sta­tus­es and labels are avail­able direct­ly for the project itself2. This sig­nif­i­cant­ly facil­i­tates work when you have many projects being exe­cut­ed simultaneously.

Who Can Cre­ate New Sta­tus Sets and Labels?

The account own­er and admin­is­tra­tor, pro­vid­ed they have the appro­pri­ate permissions.

For exam­ple, if you have a project where you write blog arti­cles, you can cre­ate a cor­re­spond­ing set of sta­tus­es, each rep­re­sent­ing a spe­cif­ic stage of the work­flow. To do this, go to account set­tings, select the Sta­tus­es and Labels sec­tion, and nav­i­gate to the Task Sta­tus­es tab:

By click­ing the Add Work­flow” but­ton, name the new sta­tus set, for exam­ple, Con­tent Cre­ation,” and add the fol­low­ing sta­tus­es: Back­log,” Expert Inter­view,” Writ­ing,” SEO Tags,” Review,” Trans­la­tion,” Pub­li­ca­tion,” etc.

Thus, each new arti­cle will be a sep­a­rate task that will go through these sta­tus­es — from cre­ation to com­ple­tion. Such a project is con­ve­nient­ly rep­re­sent­ed as a Kan­ban board, help­ing your team imme­di­ate­ly under­stand the cur­rent stage of any task.

Project Restric­tions on Tasks

For each indi­vid­ual project, you can set spe­cif­ic restric­tions. Below, we will dis­cuss why Restric­tions are need­ed and in which Work­sec­tion plans they are available.

Select­ed restric­tions will apply to all tasks and sub-tasks with­in the cre­at­ed project:

  • By default, the execu­tor can close a task inde­pen­dent­ly, but this right can be restrict­ed. In this case, the execu­tor must mark the task author or project man­ag­er for review and clo­sure if the task is cor­rect­ly completed.
  • Trans­fer Respon­si­bil­i­ty: This func­tion allows the cur­rent execu­tor to trans­fer the respon­si­bil­i­ty for com­plet­ing the task to anoth­er team mem­ber. It can be allowed or prohibited.
  • Change Dead­lines: Enabling this func­tion allows the execu­tor to inde­pen­dent­ly change task dead­lines. Restrict­ing it will be use­ful for greater con­trol over project tasks.
  • Change Planned Expens­es: This func­tion allows chang­ing the planned expens­es for a task. Restric­tion increas­es con­trol over the pro­jec­t’s finan­cial aspect.
By default, all these restric­tions are disabled.

Addi­tion­al Restric­tions Avail­able in the Pre­mi­um Plan

When cre­at­ing each task in this project, you can make cer­tain fields manda­to­ry, such as:
  • Dead­lines
  • Assign­ing Sta­tus­es and Labels
  • Planned Expens­es
  • Vis­i­bil­i­ty: By default, every task in the project is vis­i­ble to all par­tic­i­pants with the user role and above. Some­times, for exam­ple, when a client is involved in the project, it is more con­ve­nient to make all tasks hid­den by default and open them only to a spe­cif­ic group. This option helps in such cases.

Addi­tion­al Restric­tions for Task Participants

  • Edit and Delete Com­ments: Use­ful for pre­serv­ing all com­mu­ni­ca­tion and track­ing who said what.
  • Edit and Delete Tasks: To pre­vent project par­tic­i­pants from delet­ing or chang­ing task deadlines.
  • Delete Tasks: To pre­vent the pos­si­bil­i­ty of task deletion.

Sep­a­rate Set­tings for Time Control

  • Do Not Close Tasks With­out Log­ging Time: If you mon­i­tor work time on tasks, this will pre­vent clos­ing a task with­out spec­i­fy­ing the time spent on it.
  • Log Time Only for the Cur­rent Day: The sys­tem will allow log­ging time only for the cur­rent day, pre­vent­ing backdating.
  • Log Time Only with Timer: The sys­tem will allow log­ging time only using the timer, pro­hibit­ing man­u­al entry.

Do you use advanced project set­tings in Work­sec­tion, and if so, which ones?

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