•     •   4 min read

Timer update, Transfer cases and File visibility

Hel­lo Friends!

We are com­ing up with a new update for Work­sec­tion (the sec­ond one in this year, by the way). You say: It would be good to do this…”. Hav­ing heard it from you, we intro­duce the same. 

Thus, what is new in your account?

Quick descrip­tion of time session 

It used to be pos­si­ble to write a com­ment to a time ses­sion only after the timer was stopped. Now, you can make a descrip­tion for a time ses­sion both while the timer is func­tion­ing and after the com­ple­tion. What does it mean? 

You can noti­fy your client not only about actu­al expen­di­ture, but also about the rea­son. For instance: What were 3 hours of work spent for? Write about it in your comment.

It is a per­fect solu­tion for those who work on an hourly rate. 

Switch­ing between tasks

You can quick­ly switch between tasks for which the timer has been start­ed today. The list of tasks will be dis­played in the timer menu once you click on it. 

Expen­di­ture amount on all tasks in a day

Once the timer stops, the total amount of time expen­di­ture will be dis­played in the top right corner1.

Update for PRO accounts

The timer win­dow pro­vides a cir­cu­lar diagram2. Here you can com­pare your expen­di­ture amounts with the oper­a­tional stan­dard. Click on the dia­gram to switch to the report. 

It is helpful:
  • You can stop the timer with a dou­ble click or by using the Alt‑S combination. 
  • By click­ing on the task, you open its pre­view. To pass to the task page, dou­ble-click it. 

What are oth­er timer updates?

In the timers review win­dow, we have dis­played all tasks cur­rent­ly in progress, even those you have no access to. It will enable you to ful­ly under­stand the degree of the team’s workload. 

Task timers with no access” will be vis­i­ble for team Admin­is­tra­tors hav­ing the right of Man­ag­ing all costs and timers”, as well as by account Admin­is­tra­tors hav­ing the right of Full access to time and finances”.

Trans­fer­ring cas­es of resign­ing employees

Many com­pa­nies have faced the fol­low­ing sit­u­a­tion: a per­son leaves a team, and his tasks and projects are dif­fi­cult to reas­sign to anoth­er account employ­ee with­in the cur­rent func­tion­al­i­ty. We have con­sid­ered the prob­lem and found a solution:

Han­dling tasks and projects can be devolved from one employ­ee to another 

How to do it? 

High­light the peo­ple con­cerned2 on the Peo­ple page1. In the mass oper­a­tions menu, click Delete” 3. In the modal win­dow, click Trans­fer cas­es…” 4, and you will see the num­ber of projects and tasks which can be devolved to anoth­er employ­ee. You can trans­fer every­thing to one employ­ee or to dif­fer­ent ones. To assign tasks to dif­fer­ent peo­ple, click on the num­ber of tasks and assign each task separately. 

The roles of Project man­ag­er and Per­son respon­si­ble for tasks can be trans­ferred to dif­fer­ent peo­ple. If you doubt, set Exec­u­tive isn’t assigned”. You may also choose a new Task Author. 

The peo­ple to whom you will trans­fer tasks will be invit­ed to respec­tive projects. If tasks have lim­it­ed vis­i­bil­i­ty, they will also become avail­able for new Exec­u­tives and Authors.
Impor­tant! Tasks may be trans­ferred by the Account Admin­is­tra­tor hav­ing the right Allow to edit every­thing”. The Project Man­ag­er role can be trans­ferred by the Account Admin­is­tra­tor hav­ing the right to Allow to man­age projects”.

The num­ber of tasks which you can­not trans­fer will be high­light­ed in red.

All tasks can def­i­nite­ly be trans­ferred by the Account Own­er or Account Admin­is­tra­tor hav­ing the fol­low­ing rights:
  • View­ing hid­den information 
  • View­ing all account projects 
  • Allow­ing project management 
  • Allow­ing to edit all 

Trans­fer cas­es after the employ­ee is removed from the account 

If an employ­ee has been removed from the Peo­ple section1, you can trans­fer his cas­es3 in the Con­tacts section2 in For­mer mem­bers” unit.

Updates in han­dling pre­vi­ous­ly uploaded files 

In new tasks, files with lim­it­ed vis­i­bil­i­ty will auto­mat­i­cal­ly become avail­able to every­body view­ing the infor­ma­tion for the task and com­ments to it. Now you do not need to do unneed­ed actions by repeat­ed­ly upload­ing a file in a new task.

For exam­ple: You need to dis­cuss a con­tract for a client with a team, and only once it is con­firmed, pro­vide it to the client.

1 Dis­cuss a con­tract file with lim­it­ed vis­i­bil­i­ty in a closed task.

2 Cre­ate a new task and add a con­tract doc­u­ment with lim­it­ed vis­i­bil­i­ty. This file in a new task will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly vis­i­ble for the team and your client.

We remind:

  • Link­ing files in the Files sec­tion do not spend the quo­ta of free space in your account.
  • The file itself is stored in the account until the file itself and all links to it are deleted.

Suc­ceed in your work!
Work­sec­tion team


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