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How to migrate from Trello to Worksection in one click?

From 8 April 2024, Trel­lo’s free plan will be lim­it­ed to 10 users. This leaves teams that have been using the free ver­sion of the ser­vice won­der­ing what to do next.
Along­side the inno­va­tions, the ser­vice had a num­ber of lim­i­ta­tions that busi­ness­es had to adapt to in order to main­tain a com­fort­able work­flow. But is it worth it, or is it time to move on to a ser­vice with a wider range of fea­tures and capa­bil­i­ties, we explore in our new article.

How does Trel­lo lim­it business?

The ben­e­fits of a plat­form with a sim­ple, intu­itive inter­face, rich cus­tomi­sa­tion and con­ve­nient com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools start to fade when it comes to scal­ing a busi­ness. Exist­ing capa­bil­i­ties fall short in orga­niz­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion for large teams.

Trel­lo’s spring update also intro­duces sig­nif­i­cant lim­i­ta­tions to the free plan. Work­spaces will be lim­it­ed to 10 par­tic­i­pants. From 20 May 2024, all boards that exceed this lim­it will auto­mat­i­cal­ly switch to view mode with­out the abil­i­ty to edit. The same will apply to work­spaces that switch from paid to free plan.

Cou­pled with its lim­i­ta­tions, Trel­lo has grad­u­al­ly lost its edge among teams that want con­trol over workflow. 

Lim­i­ta­tions of Trel­lo include

Lack of tools

Team­work man­age­ment requires a vari­ety of tools to con­trol tasks, keep track of time and resources, access key per­for­mance indi­ca­tors, etc. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Trel­lo does­n’t pro­vide fea­tures that would ful­ly cov­er this need. 

Pre­vents scaling

The plat­for­m’s Kan­ban board sys­tem becomes less effi­cient the more projects and tasks you have. That’s because the ser­vice does not allow you to man­age process­es with depen­den­cies or com­plex tasks. So, as the work­load grows, the visu­al clar­i­ty of the boards will increas­ing­ly move towards uncon­trol­lable chaos. 

Tar­iff plan costs

Even­tu­al­ly, every com­pa­ny will need to update their plans. But when you com­pare Trel­lo’s prices to alter­na­tive ser­vices, it’s pret­ty high. This is espe­cial­ly the case for small teams and small businesses. 

In sum­ma­ry, we can admit that Trel­lo’s capa­bil­i­ties are suit­able for man­ag­ing sim­ple projects with­out the need to grow and scale results. If this is not your way of work­ing, you should have a look at alter­na­tives with more com­pre­hen­sive tools, such as Work­sec­tion.

About Work­sec­tion

Work­sec­tion is a Ukrain­ian team­work man­age­ment ser­vice. Estab­lished in 2008, Work­sec­tion has 16 years of expe­ri­ence in help­ing com­pa­nies of dif­fer­ent sizes and pro­files devel­op busi­ness process­es sim­ply and efficiently.

It does this with an intu­itive inter­face and exten­sive func­tion­al­i­ty. Work­sec­tion lets you track project activ­i­ty on a Kan­ban board or Gantt chart, man­age time and finances with inte­grat­ed time track­ing and report­ing, cre­ate work­flow depen­den­cies and more. 

Fol­low the link to our blog post for a detailed com­par­i­son between Work­sec­tion and Trel­lo. The arti­cle pro­vides a clear ratio­nale for the ben­e­fits of choos­ing Work­sec­tion for your orga­ni­za­tion and explores the key dif­fer­ences between the services. 

One-click migra­tion: how to import data from Trel­lo to Worksection?

Go to the «Account» sec­tion to get started:

Next, go to the «Import» tab and select the Trel­lo service

Sim­ply click the appro­pri­ate but­ton to import data from Trel­lo into Worksection. 

If required, sign in to your Trel­lo account using the «Sign in» but­ton, and then click «Allow» if you agree to grant the required access:

The infor­ma­tion trans­fer is auto­mat­ic and takes time depend­ing on the con­tent of your Trel­lo account. The import­ed infor­ma­tion is pub­lished to your work­space account depend­ing on the content.

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