•     •   3 min read

Data import, IP restrictions and file downloads

The Work­sec­tion team con­tin­ues to work on devel­op­ment of the ser­vice, improve­ment of its secu­ri­ty and fur­ther sim­pli­fi­ca­tion of data han­dling, even in these dif­fi­cult circumstances.

Recent­ly, among oth­er requests, we have received a large num­ber of requests for quick and auto­mat­ed data migra­tion from russ­ian sys­tems such as Bitrix24.

Our new Spring update 2022 sim­pli­fies trans­fer of a var­i­ous of data (projects, tasks, respon­si­bil­i­ties, etc.) from one Work­sec­tion account to anoth­er, or import of data from oth­er pop­u­lar project man­age­ment and CRM sys­tems to our service.

Data import

We have updat­ed and expand­ed the Import page (for­mer­ly Migra­tion). It can be accessed through the Account set­tings menu by the Own­er and Admin­is­tra­tor of the entire account with access rights to the account set­tings and pay­ments. This page will now always be avail­able in the menu.

Copy data from one Work­sec­tion account to another

There are a few sim­ple steps you need to fol­low to import projects and oth­er data from one Work­sec­tion account to another:

  1. Gen­er­ate an Access Key in the account from which you want to import data;
  2. Insert this Key in your anoth­er account;
  3. Select nec­es­sary projects and data to copy;
  4. Click on the Import” button.
The sys­tem will show all data trans­fer” process and noti­fy you when it is completed.

Copy data from oth­er systems

In this update, we’ve added sim­pli­fied data trans­fer from russ­ian Bitrix24 and oth­er pop­u­lar sys­tems, such as Wrike, Plan­Fix, Trel­lo, Asana, etc., to your Work­sec­tion account.

Read more about the process of import­ing data into your Work­sec­tion account in our FAQ.

IP address restrictions

Some­times, you may need to restrict access to your Work­sec­tion account to a spe­cif­ic set of IP address­es. For exam­ple, your office net­work, indi­vid­ual employ­ees, etc. In addi­tion to the spec­i­fied list, it will be impos­si­ble to log into the account from oth­er IP addresses.

A new Extra Secu­ri­ty option is avail­able for PRO tar­iffs, which will be use­ful for com­pa­nies with strict data secu­ri­ty poli­cies. It allows you to restrict access to your account to pro­tect against data inter­cep­tion in pub­lic places and unau­tho­rized access, for exam­ple, if your lap­top is lost.

To set up access restric­tions, you must have the rights of the Own­er or Admin­is­tra­tor of the entire account with access rights to the account set­tings and payments.

Pay atten­tion! This func­tion­al­i­ty is most­ly intend­ed for use with­in the cor­po­rate VPN (Vir­tu­al Pri­vate Net­work) and its IP address­es will be added to the restrictions.

Read more about restrict­ing IP access for your Work­sec­tion account in our FAQ.

Down­load files archive from the project

We’ve added a new fea­ture to make work­ing with your project files eas­i­er. Now, you can archive and down­load all files added to the project, includ­ing files host­ed in the Work­sec­tion cloud stor­age, files host­ed on Google Dri­ve, and your com­pa­ny’s FTP drive.

The sys­tem will show the whole process of archiv­ing and down­load­ing files and will noti­fy you when it is completed.

We are already work­ing on fur­ther updates and expan­sion of the func­tion­al­i­ty of the Work­sec­tion project man­age­ment system.

If you have some spe­cif­ic needs or wish­es regard­ing func­tion­al­i­ty you would like to see in our sys­tem, let us know in the com­ments section!

Thank you for choos­ing our project and task man­age­ment service!
Work­sec­tion Team

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