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SMART Methodology for Entitling Tasks: How to Entitle Them Smartly?

Time­ly project com­ple­tion and max­i­mum risk spread are basic objec­tives the project manager
deals with. Many things actu­al­ly depend on the degree of cor­rect goal set­ting. If goals are vague
or may fur­ther turn out to be unachiev­able, project imple­men­ta­tion will seri­ous­ly slow down.

In order to sharp­en goals to the ulti­mate sharp­ness, to tai­lor them for the company’s needs, the
SMART task set­ting sys­tem is used. It defines five para­me­ters which assist in mold­ing the
spe­cif­ic vision of a project.

SMART Goals are:

  • Spe­cif­ic:
Why and how should it be exe­cut­ed, and who is respon­si­ble for it?
  • Mea­sur­able:
What indi­ca­tors and cri­te­ria are used to ana­lyze the success?
  • Achiev­able:
What costs, sched­ules and skills of devel­op­ers are need­ed to imple­ment what is assigned?
  • Rel­e­vant:
Does the goal cor­re­spond to the strate­gic vision of the com­pa­ny or its department?
  • Time-bound:
By what date should the project be com­plet­ed? Or how much time will the key phases
approx­i­mate­ly take?

Exam­ple of Task Set­ting by SMART:

Gen­er­al goal: I intend to expand my con­sult­ing business

  • Spe­cif­ic: It is nec­es­sary to get hold of three new customers.
  • Mea­sur­able: I will mea­sure the progress by the num­ber of new cus­tomers involved. In doing so, I will bear in mind my coop­er­a­tion with the exist­ing ones.
  • Achiev­able: I will ask my cur­rent cus­tomers to rec­om­mend me or to attach refer­ral links to their web­sites. I will launch a mar­ket­ing cam­paign in social media.
  • Rel­e­vant: Hav­ing got hold of new cus­tomers, I will man­age to boost my incomes.
  • Time-bound: It is nec­es­sary to find three new cus­tomers with­in two months.

Gen­er­al goal: I intend to write a busi­ness book

  • Spe­cif­ic: I will write a book about social media which will com­prise 150 pages at least.
  • Mea­sur­able: I will write one chap­ter per month or 3 – 5 pages per week.
  • Achiev­able: At first, I will write a book, then I will look for a pub­lish­er or pon­der over dis­trib­ut­ing it by myself.
  • Rel­e­vant: Such book on social media will enable me to become a firm­ly estab­lished expert.
  • Time-bound: Writ­ing the book should take no more than 10 months.

Task Set­ting by SMART: 3 Exam­ples for Man­agers in IT Companies

Mar­ket­ing Director

  • By the 15th day of each month, I will reg­u­lar­ly report on new trends and pos­si­bil­i­ties, aswell as on the num­ber of cus­tomers involved.
  • I will ensure that the bud­get remains with­in the lim­its of allo­cat­ed funds. I will also repor­ton expens­es by 15th day of each month.
  • On the 1st Fri­day of each quar­ter, I will meet with the con­tent pro­mo­tion team to dis­cuss­the strat­e­gy adopt­ed by our rivals and our future rec­i­p­ro­cal moves.

Con­tent Mar­ket­ing Manager

  • I will super­vise con­tent recast­ing with the pur­pose of search engine opti­miza­tion through­Feb­ru­ary 12018.
  • By July 2018, I will have start­ed part­ner­ships with at least 3 media plat­forms on which our­con­tent will be published.
  • By April 2018, my team will have increased the num­ber of web blogs from 2 to 5 perweek.

Social Media Manager

  • Every work­ing day I will pub­lish 10 to 12 mes­sages at a steady pace for our company’s Twit­ter account.
  • I will exe­cute every task in due time over the year.
  • I will have increased our group’s web­site traf­fic in LinkedIn by 50 per cent by August 12018.

How to Cre­ate SMART Goals by Using Work­sec­tion:

Cre­ate a new task in the rel­e­vant sec­tion of the sys­tem. You may add detailed descriptions
accord­ing to 5 SMART fun­da­men­tals, indi­cate dead­lines and spe­cial­ists in charge of the

You may also add files, set up a pri­or­i­ty and adjust task vis­i­bil­i­ty for the colleagues.
Our sys­tem makes it con­ve­nient to set sev­er­al SMART tasks at once. Use the Task group”
fea­ture for that.

You may import your tasks direct­ly from your Excel file.

Then review them in the list mode through the fil­ters of exec­u­tives, pri­or­i­ties, dead­lines and
progress sta­tus­es. The task list may be re-export­ed to the Excel file as a report.

SMART-based task set­ting requires tasks to be dis­cussed to achieve una­nim­i­ty in the team. There is a com­ments field under each task.

If you want to be brief, you may express your opin­ion by means of 12 respons­es: from a raised fin­ger to a dis­pleased smiley.


SMART-based task set­ting is bind­ing to fixed dates, met­rics and para­me­ters. By set­ting a goal in
such man­ner, you make it spe­cif­ic, and you put it into a frame­work which should be observed.

SMART-based task set­ting makes it pos­si­ble to give cor­rect answers to 5 essen­tial questions:

  1. Why?
  2. How to mea­sure success?
  3. How to succeed?
  4. Is it use­ful for my company/​department?
  5. How much time will be needed?

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