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How to Migrate from Bitrix24 to Worksection in 3 Minutes

The Bitrix24” ser­vice will soon cease its oper­a­tions in Ukraine and delete all user data. Where and how can we quick­ly trans­fer our data from this sys­tem?” is cur­rent­ly one of the most pop­u­lar ques­tions among Ukrain­ian companies.

The answer depends on how Bitrix24 was used because it encom­passed var­i­ous direc­tions — CRM, CMS sys­tem, Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and Task Track­ing. There­fore, under the gen­er­al name Bitrix24 CRM,” every­one may have their own understanding.

If your com­pa­ny or team works on projects, com­mu­ni­cates inter­nal­ly and with clients regard­ing prob­lems and tasks, needs clear con­trol over respon­si­bil­i­ties and time track­ing, eas­i­ly trans­fer your data to Work­sec­tion. Work­sec­tion is a Ukrain­ian ser­vice designed for orga­niz­ing team and project work.

Work­sec­tion allows you to man­age all your projects in one place, effi­cient­ly pri­or­i­tize work, break down com­plex projects into sim­pler tasks and sub­tasks, dis­cuss work, and keep impor­tant com­mu­ni­ca­tion with­in the cor­re­spond­ing task. Pop­u­lar fea­tures include Kan­ban boards, Gantt charts, timers, inte­gra­tions with email and mes­sen­gers, and auto­mat­ic migra­tion from Bitrix24 to help you quick­ly set up your work.

How to Migrate from Bitrix24 to Worksection

After reg­is­ter­ing an account in Work­sec­tion, click on your avatar in the upper right cor­ner and choose the Account” but­ton. This will take you to the Account Set­tings.

Move to the Import” sec­tion and select Import from Bitrix24.” Paste the pre­vi­ous­ly cre­at­ed Bitrix24 web­hook link into the Web­hook for Bitrix24 API  field.

Click the Import” but­ton . Work­sec­tion will then ini­ti­ate the migra­tion process and import your data from Bitrix24.

How to cre­ate a web­hook in Bitrix24

Fol­low the link below:

but replace yourac­count” with the address of your Bitrix24 account. If nec­es­sary, log in to your account.

Once you’re logged in, select the Inbound web­hook” sec­tion. Fol­low the instruc­tions pro­vid­ed to cre­ate your web­hook in Bitrix24.

In the Per­mis­sion Set­tings” field, click on “+ Select”  and check the per­mis­sions (data) that you want to export, as shown in the screen­shot below.

Save the changes  and copy the web­hook link .

Then, go to the migra­tion page in Work­sec­tion, paste the copied link, and click the Import” button.

All the import­ed infor­ma­tion will be orga­nized on the respec­tive pages in the sys­tem. You will be able to see projects, par­tic­i­pants, as well as tasks that have been suc­cess­ful­ly trans­ferred to Worksection.

You can watch a video about migrat­ing from Bitrix24 on our YouTube chan­nel.

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