Yaroslav Boruta

5 publications
It cannot be deployed hurriedly, by an inexperienced team, within a short period of time,  but when introduced, Agile will improve the interaction between IT and businesses, it will prompt product release into the market, and it will add product value for the end consumer. 
21 September 2017   •   13 min read
Crystal is a family of software development methodologies with a shared genetic code that includes frequent delivery, personal communication, and improvement through reflection. Each type of project has...
8 August 2017   •   8 min read
As with lean manufacturing philosophy, the Just-In-Time concept emerged as part of the Toyota Production System. Japanese companies pioneered this approach, and soon, Western companies began adopting...
23 July 2017   •   7 min read
Successful construction companies have long adopted project management tailored to their business's specific needs—creating real estate objects (partially or turnkey) by individual project teams with...
5 July 2017   •   5 min read
There is nothing more permanent than temporary. When managing projects, the project itself may seem small and easily executable. But a week turns into a month, a month into a quarter, deadlines burn,...
22 May 2017   •   23 min read
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