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How Ukrainian Companies Track Working Hours in Worksection

One of the most pop­u­lar ele­ments of Work­sec­tion is the time track­er. In this arti­cle, you’ll learn how Ukrain­ian com­pa­nies use time-track­ing soft­ware to cal­cu­late the cost of work, the oth­er pur­pos­es of this sys­tem, and whether it’s nec­es­sary to imple­ment time con­trol in your company.

Why Is a Time-Track­ing Sys­tem Needed?

A time-track­ing sys­tem is need­ed to:
  • Esti­mate how much time and mon­ey you will spend on a task. For exam­ple, Dmytro Bar­sukov, CEO of Y&R Ukraine, real­ized after imple­ment­ing a time track­er that the same task could take one per­son ten hours and anoth­er just two.
  • Make the company’s pric­ing more trans­par­ent for the client.
  • Use time-spent reports dur­ing ret­ro­spec­tives in Scrum sprints.
  • Under­stand how heav­i­ly the team is loaded and the work pace of each employee.
  • Plan tasks for the next time peri­od (sprint) based on the time required to com­plete them.
  • Work with the SMART goal-set­ting sys­tem. Time track­ing is used to pre­dict how much time and mon­ey will be spent on a task (Achiev­able).
At the Vin­tage web stu­dio, time-spent reports are used for cycli­cal analy­sis dur­ing ret­ro­spec­tives. HR and finance depart­ments active­ly use time-track­ing software:
  • HR Checks how employ­ees log time in Work­sec­tion using a fre­quen­cy dia­gram. Dur­ing the imple­men­ta­tion stage, reminders were need­ed for those who for­got to start the timer at the begin­ning of their work.
  • Finance – Ana­lyzes time-spent reports by projects and clients. This data helps the finance depart­ment deter­mine the prof­itabil­i­ty of projects and clients. Togeth­er with HR, they also assess the effi­cien­cy of teams and indi­vid­ual employees.
The com­pa­ny has a strict rule: If a task is not in Work­sec­tion, it does­n’t need to be done, because the time spent on it won’t be record­ed”. Employ­ees log their time in the task man­ag­er. Using task labels, it’s easy to see where the project time is going, make adjust­ments, or add new tasks.

At the effec­tive inter­net mar­ket­ing agency Roman​.ua, the time track­er is used to under­stand how long dif­fer­ent tasks take, such as train­ing, devel­op­ment, build­ing busi­ness process­es, and sales. Plan­ning work is based on the time need­ed to com­plete these tasks.

How Is the Time Track­er Used to Cal­cu­late the Cost of Work?

Eugene Kudri­avchenko, Co-founder of the Vin­tage stu­dio, explains that the cost of work depends on the employee’s lev­el: junior, mid­dle, or senior. To deter­mine these lev­els, we intro­duced time track­ing through Work­sec­tion to under­stand how much time employ­ees spend on typ­i­cal tasks. If an employ­ee spends less time on a task, they have the poten­tial to move up to the next lev­el. The pay­ment sys­tem for top man­agers depends not on lev­el, but on the KPI of their departments”.

The adver­tis­ing agency Y&R Ukraine chose a clas­sic hourly pay­ment scheme. Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Dmytro Bar­sukov believes that time track­ing in adver­tis­ing agen­cies will become a nation­al stan­dard derived from inter­na­tion­al prac­tice: The adver­tis­ing busi­ness sells the time of its spe­cial­ists. That’s why we ini­tial­ly used a sys­tem that empha­sizes time tracking”.

Mean­while, the video per­for­mance agency One2 does not use the time track­er to cal­cu­late salaries. The team knows that employ­ees will receive their pay­checks once a month, regard­less of the clien­t’s per­for­mance. One2 mar­ket­ing con­sul­tant Vitaliy Tsym­bal­iuk claims that this approach makes the team strive to work bet­ter — not out of com­pul­sion, but because they gen­uine­ly want to.

Why Should a Client Know How Much Time Employ­ees Spent on Tasks?

In the cas­es we ana­lyzed, most com­pa­nies do not bring the client into the CRM sys­tem. VoltaOne project man­ag­er Roman Slipchenko explains that this is due to the nature of their work: In our case, the account man­ag­er com­mu­ni­cates every­thing the client needs.”

We delib­er­ate­ly chose a min­i­mal­ist design for Work­sec­tion to low­er the entry thresh­old for those who have nev­er worked with this sys­tem — and may not work with it reg­u­lar­ly. There­fore, we like the case of Y&R Ukraine, which added sev­er­al clients to the sys­tem. This is an ide­al sit­u­a­tion, as the client can mon­i­tor the work vol­ume at any time. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, accord­ing to CEO Dmytro Bar­sukov, there are few such clients because few are inter­est­ed in the behind-the-scenes” of an adver­tis­ing project.

Roman Rybalchenko, founder of Roman​.ua, believes that a good alter­na­tive to bring­ing the client into the sys­tem is using a report­ing sys­tem: We work trans­par­ent­ly, and the ser­vice allows us to com­mu­ni­cate this trans­paren­cy to the client. With the report­ing sys­tem, the client sees how much time (lit­er­al­ly down to the minute) we spent, and they have no ques­tions.” Roman​.ua uses reports in two cases:
  • Exter­nal – To show the client what has been done.
  • Inter­nal – To cal­cu­late employ­ee com­pen­sa­tion based on the time worked and the projects handled.

Is It Nec­es­sary to Track Employ­ees’ Work­ing Hours?

Imple­ment­ing a time-track­ing sys­tem is option­al. For exam­ple, Anas­tasi­ia Sylenok, CEO of 1991 Civic Tech Cen­ter, does not use the Work­sec­tion time track­er because she works in a mul­ti­task­ing mode and quick­ly switch­es between tasks. How­ev­er, cen­ter employ­ees use the time track­er for long-term tasks, such as writ­ing an article.

VoltaOne project man­ag­er Roman Slipchenko right­ly notes that while the agency bare­ly uses time track­ing, for many com­pa­nies, time con­trol is issue #1. Plus, free­lancers who want to inter­act with clients in Work­sec­tion often want to log time spent on tasks.

The agency Y&R Ukraine had to intro­duce a time-track­ing sys­tem due to the com­pa­ny’s com­plex struc­ture. It con­sists of depart­ments, and the depart­ments include units that han­dle spe­cif­ic tasks. Up to a dozen projects can be in progress simultaneously.

How­ev­er, the video per­for­mance agency One2 does not track work­ing hours. For us, it’s taboo to cal­cu­late how many hours a per­son worked dur­ing the week and then say, You’re not tak­ing on enough tasks.’ We con­sid­er the focus fac­tor of each team: some are more pro­duc­tive, oth­ers less,” says One2 mar­ket­ing con­sul­tant Vitaliy Tsymbaliuk.

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