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Use Worksection to the fullest. Part 1: System settings, Bulk actions, Templates

How to get the most out of Work­sec­tion? In this arti­cle, we’ll show you some non-obvi­ous tricks that will come in handy when using the sys­tem on a dai­ly basis and save you time.

Sys­tem con­fig­u­ra­tion options

You can per­son­al­ize your expe­ri­ence by using the Work­sec­tion set­tings. Let’s take a look at some of the inter­est­ing fea­tures that you can use to cus­tomize the ser­vice usage.

In this arti­cle, we will take a clos­er look at:

  • Set up your account and profile
  • Bulk actions in the sys­tem and work with templates

Set up your account and profile

Let’s start with the basics: sys­tem account and pro­file settings.

Account set­tings

The Account Own­er and Account Admin­is­tra­tors have access to the com­pa­ny’s account set­tings. In addi­tion to the stan­dard account set­tings, there are a num­ber of inter­est­ing set­tings available:

  • Project man­agers have con­trol over project par­tic­i­pants. This allows the project man­ag­er to add or remove par­tic­i­pants with­in the project to which he or she is assigned as a leader.
  • Enable team vis­i­bil­i­ty. You can pre­vent teams from see­ing each oth­er if you want to keep them sep­a­rate. This way you ensure each team works autonomously.
  • Per­mis­sion to invite a guest to subtasks.
  • Per­mis­sion to see hid­den infor­ma­tion. This option allows admin­is­tra­tors of a spe­cif­ic team or depart­ment to view hid­den infor­ma­tion. If the account has restrict­ed access, only users assigned to such tasks will be able to view hid­den information. 
  • Lists by first/​last name/​nickname. Set up the choice of what (first name, last name or nick­name) is used to cre­ate lists in the system.

Pro­file settings

Every user in the sys­tem has access to these set­tings. This is where you can fill in your con­tact details, set up your work sched­ule and set up a noti­fi­ca­tion system:

  • Inte­grate with Telegram or Viber if you want to receive noti­fi­ca­tions direct­ly on one of the messengers.
  • Set up noti­fi­ca­tions between chan­nels: where and what noti­fi­ca­tions you want to receive.
  • Morn­ing digest. A fea­ture that allows you to receive a morn­ing email noti­fi­ca­tion with the most rel­e­vant tasks for you. You can con­fig­ure it in this menu.

Team set­tings

If you have to work with teams from dif­fer­ent regions, you can set a sep­a­rate inter­face lan­guage for each. 

To do this, go to the team set­tings and select the required lan­guage. You can also add your logo and oth­er con­tact details to the team.

Dash­board settings

The dash­board con­tains impor­tant infor­ma­tion about the progress of the project:
  • project speed;
  • employ­ee activity;
  • num­ber of closed/​open tasks, etc. 
Dash­board blocks are click­able, allow­ing you to learn more about the information. 

Cus­tomiz­ing the place­ment of dash­board blocks is a less obvi­ous func­tion of this section:

This allows you to orga­nize your dash­board data by relevance.

Set­ting up the main page

The main page dis­plays all avail­able infor­ma­tion about the projects you are par­tic­i­pat­ing in. You can also:

Set­ting up the dis­play of data by task

The main page shows all tasks by default. How­ev­er, you can per­son­al­ize the infor­ma­tion for more focused work with the help of the Cus­tomize feed” set­tings.

Project dis­play

You can use the fil­ter to view projects in a more con­ve­nient way. You can also use the fil­ter to view the project his­to­ry. This is where all the data on com­plet­ed projects and tasks with­in them is stored.

Project set­tings and description

You can add a Project Descrip­tion, Stages and Labels to describe project infor­ma­tion in more detail.

The require­ments for cre­at­ing tasks and the gen­er­al algo­rithm for work­ing with­in the project can be spec­i­fied in the descrip­tion. In the project set­tings, you can also choose a col­or for the project. This allows you to fur­ther dif­fer­en­ti­ate between the com­pa­ny’s work areas.

Types of task display

Tasks can be dis­played:

In a list

By peo­ple

On the Kan­ban board

Select the most con­ve­nient way to view tasks for eas­i­er sys­tem operation.

Bulk actions in the sys­tem and work with templates

Do you often find your­self copy­ing and trans­fer­ring data man­u­al­ly? Some of Work­sec­tion’s fea­tures allow you to auto­mate and speed up your work with such tasks.

Bulk actions in the system

You can use the sys­tem’s bulk action fea­ture instead of edit­ing tasks indi­vid­u­al­ly or inter­act­ing with participants.

Bulk actions with tasks 

As soon as you select one or more tasks, a menu will appear in the sys­tem that will allow you to car­ry out bulk actions.

You can do this in a bulk mode: 
  • move or copy tasks to anoth­er project; 
  • delete or close a task;
  • assign a respon­si­ble person;
  • edit vis­i­bil­i­ty; 
  • add tags or status; 
  • assign sub­scribers; 
  • set dead­lines; 
  • add to invoice.

Bulk actions with peo­ple 

In addi­tion to the task, bulk actions are avail­able in the Peo­ple” sec­tion of the sys­tem, where you can select mul­ti­ple employees:

The fol­low­ing bulk actions are available: 
  • export­ing data; resend­ing the invitation; 
  • trans­fer par­tic­i­pants to anoth­er team or department; 
  • set­ting time limits;
  • grant­i­ng rights and accesses; 
  • edit­ing participants; 
  • sub­scrib­ing participants; 
  • delete a participant.

Bulk task creation

You can cre­ate one or more tasks using the plus sign in the main menu.

This is how you copy a task to dif­fer­ent projects. In addi­tion to the usu­al task cre­ation infor­ma­tion, you can select the projects to which you want to copy the task.

Cre­ate a group of tasks

If you need to cre­ate sev­er­al tasks at once, you can cre­ate a task group. This is done by click­ing the plus sign and then select­ing Group of task” in the tasks preferences.

Deal­ing with templates

A tem­plate project is dif­fer­ent from a reg­u­lar project in that it is marked as Mut­ed”. These projects don’t receive any noti­fi­ca­tions, so they don’t dis­tract peo­ple from their work. 

You can copy a task with all its set­tings from such a project. Select the required task and choose Copy” from the menu above. 

Next, click Copy to oth­er project” and add the copied task to the desired project. When copy­ing, you also have access to the copy set­tings with sub­tasks, dead­lines, and con­nec­tions, and you can add sub­scribers to the project.

How to use it?

We rec­om­mend using the sys­tem based on your busi­ness needs. This way, you don’t have to adapt to the struc­ture of the ser­vice, but the ser­vice adapts to your needs. In this way, you will get a real assis­tant in orga­niz­ing your workflow.

We’re con­fi­dent that you’ll get to grips with using the ser­vice over time, and find that you’re able to work much more effi­cient­ly. Good luck!

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