Why Track Time? Advantages of Time Tracking

For com­pa­nies that work on an hourly basis, a time track­er is a key tool for project and task imple­men­ta­tion. For exam­ple, our client, the per­for­mance mar­ket­ing agency ROMAN​.UA, sig­nif­i­cant­ly increased their aver­age ser­vice fee using Work­sec­tion’s time tracker.

Pros and Cons of Time Track­ing for Tasks

Let’s start with the cons, or rather, one con: team adap­ta­tion to the time track­er. Using a timer to log time spent on tasks isn’t easy for all teams for sev­er­al reasons:
  • Ini­tial­ly, the team might see the time track­er as a sign of mis­trust from man­age­ment or clients (which is not the case).
  • Employ­ees might for­get to start the timer for tasks. How­ev­er, with prac­tice, using the timer becomes auto­mat­ic, and if the timer was­n’t start­ed, the actu­al time and cost can always be entered after the task is completed.
Now, let’s talk about the benefits:

How Time Track­ing is Use­ful for Tasks

Pro­vides Clear Expense Under­stand­ing: If mul­ti­ple employ­ees work on a task, each logs their time with the timer, and these ses­sions are summed up. The time track­er records the time spent on task implementation.
  • Hourly Rate Log­ging: If an employ­ee has a fixed hourly rate, they can also log it in the track­er win­dow. This is a major advan­tage for all team members.
  • Sup­ports High­er Pay Argu­men­ta­tion: Team mem­bers can argue for high­er pay if the actu­al time spent on a task exceeds the esti­mat­ed time.
  • Forms Detailed Reports: Based on time track­er data, the com­pa­ny accoun­tant can gen­er­ate reports at the end of a peri­od, show­ing time spent and pay­ments, if applic­a­ble, for each employee.
  • Ensures Trans­par­ent Process­es for Clients: Clients pay­ing by the hour want to under­stand how time was spent. If actu­al costs dif­fer from esti­mat­ed ones, the report can jus­ti­fy the pricing.

How to Moti­vate Employ­ees to Adopt Time Tracking

One key moti­va­tion is show­ing suc­cess­ful time track­ing exam­ples, whether per­son­al or from oth­er com­pa­nies, as described in our Post­men case study.

Appoint a Time Track­er Adap­ta­tion Responsible

Select an employ­ee to help the team adapt. This per­son should be well-versed in using the timer and high­ly moti­vat­ed to use it, which will moti­vate oth­er team members.

This respon­si­ble per­son will also assist with any ques­tions and ensure that team mem­bers sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly start and stop the timer when work­ing on tasks.

Choos­ing a Time Track­ing Service

Many task man­agers offer time track­ing as a key func­tion. When choos­ing a ser­vice, focus on its sim­plic­i­ty and accessibility.

The time track­er should be equal­ly easy to use for IT spe­cial­ists and accoun­tants. If the track­er is intu­itive for the entire team, regard­less of their expe­ri­ence with task man­agers and time track­ing, it’s a key indi­ca­tor of simplicity.

Work­sec­tion Timer Example

In Work­sec­tion, you can start the timer with­out open­ing the task itself, just by hov­er­ing over it in the task list and click­ing Start Timer”.
You can also start the timer with­in the task by click­ing Start Timer” or through My Tasks,” by select­ing the required task and click­ing Start Timer”.

Mul­ti­ple access points to the timer facil­i­tate quick adap­ta­tion. You can stop the timer by any of the meth­ods above or by click­ing Stop and Save” (the pause icon in the upper right cor­ner of the main account page).

Timer Com­ment Window

Not all project man­age­ment sys­tems have this, but Work­sec­tion’s time track­er allows each employ­ee to add com­ments to the timer.
View­ing the timer report, the accoun­tant, client, or com­pa­ny man­ag­er will see the descrip­tion of the logged time.

For exam­ple if more time was spent on a task than planned, the employ­ee can write the rea­son in the com­ment win­dow. This option makes the report more infor­ma­tive for the com­pa­ny and clear for the client pay­ing by the hour.

Use­ful Fea­tures in Worksection

Besides the above meth­ods, you can start the timer with a dou­ble-click or using the Alt‑S combination.

How to Test Time Track­ing for Your Team
You can test all the func­tion­al­i­ties of the task man­ag­er, includ­ing the Timer option, for free in a Work­sec­tion account for 14 days. Reg­is­ter your account in two clicks, sug­gest the team test time track­ing, explain the new option’s pur­pose, and share this arti­cle link.

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