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New Features of Your Interface

Dear friends,
I am excit­ed to share the news about the new fea­tures added to your Work­sec­tion system.

What’s New:

Across the Entire System

A uni­ver­sal view set­ting has been added. It allows you to cus­tomize, sort, and fil­ter task lists, com­ments, Hot Tasks” blocks, and more. This set­ting is named after the icon type – eye.” You can always find the eye” in the upper right corner.

You can cus­tomize the block view and acti­vate the eye.”

If you turn off the eye,” the block will return to its default appearance.

Task Stream

Con­ve­nient fil­ters have been added for task lists: by respon­si­ble per­son,” by author,” and by labels”.

Addi­tion­al­ly, high­light­ing for my” tasks and com­plet­ed” tasks has been added. A con­ve­nient link has been made for sub­tasks. Con­text menus have been added across the entire sys­tem (files, users, tasks).

Two new types of task streams, Detailed” and Com­pact,” have been added to the eye” for the task stream. Sort­ing by activ­i­ty, pri­or­i­ties, and com­ple­tion dates has also been moved there.

Go to the eye” set­tings and select the Detailed” view. This mode dis­plays detailed activ­i­ty for sub­tasks and com­ments. If you click on the More” but­ton, hid­den com­ments will load.

Sim­i­lar­ly, you can select the Com­pact” view. A spar­tan task list with noth­ing extra.

Detailed Task View

A com­ment view set­ting has been added. We fol­low a proven sce­nario: click on the eye” and choose how you want to view com­ments – new com­ments at the top” or new com­ments at the bot­tom.” You can also cus­tomize the appear­ance of the com­ment input form and set the num­ber of com­ments per page.

We hope our updates will assist you in your busi­ness. This update was made pos­si­ble thanks to your feed­back on the system.

Please con­tin­ue to share your feed­back and sug­ges­tions with us.

Addi­tion­al­ly, I want to men­tion that upcom­ing updates regard­ing task email noti­fi­ca­tions, time track­ing, and com­pa­ny depart­ments are in the works and will be avail­able soon. Our Face­book page will keep you informed of the lat­est updates and news.

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