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Labels and task priorities

It is becom­ing more and more sim­ple to orga­nize work with a great num­ber of tasks. Labels and mul­ti­level pri­or­i­ties have been added to your arsenal.


Labels are intend­ed to divide tasks into sub­groups. On default, 6 labels have been cre­at­ed in your account. 3 of them are gen­er­al­ly avail­able, and 3 are to be applied inside the com­pa­ny (they are marked with a lock and not seen to our cus­tomers).

Labels are con­trolled by the admin­is­tra­tor from the same name tab and in the account set­tings. You may eas­i­ly rename and repaint any labels, includ­ing pre­set ones, change their vis­i­bil­i­ty, delete them or add new ones.

It is very sim­ple to assign or change labels of a par­tic­u­lar task. It can be done both dur­ing the task cre­ation phase, and dur­ing sub­se­quent edit­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, you may assign labels on the fly by using the rel­e­vant option of the drop­down task menu.

How to select tasks with def­i­nite labels from the gen­er­al list? A block fil­ter has appeared on the Tasks and com­mu­ni­ca­tion page. Flag the labels you are inter­est­ed in and click Fil­ter out”.

To return to the gen­er­al list of tasks – reset the fil­ter by the but­ton Show all tasks”, or click the All tasks” ref­er­ence locat­ed before the page head­er.

Pri­or­i­ties and statuses

In response to numer­ous requests from our users, we have made the usu­al High pri­or­i­ty” mark more flex­i­ble and not so cat­e­gor­i­cal. Now you can set the task pri­or­i­ty with­in the scale 1 to 10. Each pri­or­i­ty has its col­or, from cold grey to hot red. (“High pri­or­i­ty” that you set up before has got the pri­or­i­ty No.7 by the new scale; all oth­er tasks get the pri­or­i­ty No.1)

Addi­tion­al­ly, we have added the Sus­pend­ed” sta­tus cor­re­spond­ing to the zero pri­or­i­ty and marked with a pause sym­bol.

Of course, the Out­stand­ing tasks pri­or­i­ties” have also been updat­ed. No you may change pri­or­i­ties and con­trol the exe­cu­tion sequence on the fly. A drop­down task menu which enables you to assign marks with­out exit from the page has been added to this page.

We hope these improve­ments will make your work more pleas­ant and effi­cient.
Please send your feed­back regard­ing this update, as well as sug­ges­tions about fur­ther improve­ment of the ser­vice. Your opin­ion is very impor­tant for us.

Best regards,
Work­sec­tion team.

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