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Comments to subtasks! And
something else…

Dear friends, we intro­duce you the next Work­sec­tion improve­ment. The main sub­ject is com­ment­ing sub­tasks, but there are anoth­er cou­ple of pleas­ant details of which you can read below.

1. Com­ments to subtasks 

Now you may active­ly com­ment not only tasks, but also subtasks.<\/span> In the right unit, oppo­site each sub­task, an icon has appeared, open­ing the way to dis­cus­sion. Green col­or of pic­togram will prompt you about the loca­tion of new records, and white col­or will point the places where they are absent yet. By click­ing the comment’s icon, you will get to the detailed page of a par­tic­u­lar sub­task. In the head­er we see the moth­er task and the reset but­ton. The sub­task com­ment­ed in the right col­umn is high­light­ed in yel­low. It is impos­si­ble to get con­fused.

The process of work­ing with com­ments of sub­tasks is exact­ly the same as that for tasks. You can also restrict vis­i­bil­i­ty and make attach­ments. All mes­sages on new com­ments to sub­tasks appear both in event tapes and are sent by email as noti­fi­ca­tions to all par­tic­i­pants sub­scribed to the task.

 Remem­ber!  You can restrict vis­i­bil­i­ty of the con­tent at any of the lev­els Task / Sub­task / Com­ment.

2. Mark­ing unread comments

The already known green pic­togram will be present in the entire sys­tem. It noti­fies about one or sev­er­al unread com­ments that have appeared in this task or sub­task.

3. Time at clos­ing tasks and subtasks 

We have made a nice pop-up win­dow, which, while clos­ing tasks and sub­tasks, will offer you at once to record the time you have spent. You may always cor­rect the entered val­ues on the Time page (avail­able in the Stu­dio pack­age and above).

4. Improved viewing 

And final­ly, a cou­ple of use­ful details.<\/span>
Task view­ing has become more con­ve­nient. Now the sys­tem admin­is­tra­tors can prompt­ly find out the tasks of which a par­tic­u­lar per­son is an execu­tor and author.

You can see the com­ment con­tent direct­ly from the account’s main page. To do this, draw the mouse to the event record.

Thank you for your atten­tion, we hope that for you it will become more pleas­ant and sim­ple to work.

Best regards,
Work­sec­tion team

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