Referral Agreement

June 7, 2023 

This Refer­ral Agree­ment is made between LLC WORK­SEC­TION” (43951196) (here­inafter referred to as Com­pa­ny”) and a user (an indi­vid­ual or a legal enti­ty or indi­vid­ual entre­pre­neur or self-employed per­son (except state­less per­sons and indi­vid­u­als under 18 years of age)) (here­inafter referred to as Refer­ral Part­ner”), col­lec­tive­ly referred to as Par­ties”, and indi­vid­u­al­ly as Par­ty”, who have entered into this Agree­ment for the following: 

The Refer­ral Agree­ment is con­sid­ered con­clud­ed from the moment of plac­ing a mark (“tick”) in the field (check­box): You con­firm your agree­ment with the terms of the Work­sec­tion Refer­ral Pro­gram” and click the Join” but­ton and is valid until the Par­ties have ful­ly per­formed their obligations. 

1. Ter­mi­nol­o­gy
1.1. Refer­ral Part­ner” — a user who reg­is­tered on the web­site https://​work​sec​tion​.com (here­inafter referred to as Com­pa­ny’s web­site”), gained access to the Part­ner’s cab­i­net, expressed the inten­tion to become a par­tic­i­pant in the refer­ral pro­gram, con­clud­ed the Agree­ment, and received a per­son­al refer­ral link. 

A user who has entered into anoth­er type of part­ner­ship agree­ment with the Com­pa­ny, has obtained the sta­tus of an Inte­gra­tor or Reseller can­not become a Refer­ral Partner. 

1.2. Refer­ral” — is a legal enti­ty or an indi­vid­ual who, by fol­low­ing the Refer­ral Part­ner’s Refer­ral link, becomes a client of the Com­pa­ny and, based on sep­a­rate agree­ments with the Com­pa­ny, pur­chas­es the Service. 

1.3. Refer­ral Pro­gram” — is a set of soft­ware and mar­ket­ing com­po­nents by means of which the ful­fil­ment of the oblig­a­tions of the Refer­ral Part­ner under the Agree­ment is record­ed and the fur­ther pay­ment of com­pen­sa­tion to the Refer­ral Part­ner is made. 

1.4. Refer­ral Link” — is a link with a unique iden­ti­fi­er, which is issued to the Refer­ral Part­ner, leads to the Com­pa­ny’s web­site, and by which the Refer­ral Part­ner’s affil­i­a­tion with the Refer­ral Part­ner is tracked. 

1.5. Refer­ral Part­ner’s Cab­i­net” — a sep­a­rate page on the Com­pa­ny’s web­site, through an inter­ac­tive inter­face of which the Refer­ral Part­ner receives infor­ma­tion and sta­tis­tics on the accru­al and pay­ment of rewards, as well as cur­rent data on the projects of Refer­rals con­nect­ed under their Refer­ral Link. 

1.6. Ser­vice” is a soft­ware prod­uct called Work­sec­tion, which is avail­able for use as a ser­vice over the Internet. 

1.7. Pay­ment for the Ser­vice” refers to the deduc­tion of a spec­i­fied amount from the Refer­ral’s account for the use of the func­tion­al capa­bil­i­ties of the Ser­vice. Ser­vices relat­ed to the tech­ni­cal sup­port of the Ser­vice are not sub­ject to such pay­ments and do not lead to the accru­al of a reward to the Refer­ral partner. 

1.8. Elec­tron­ic cor­re­spon­dence between Par­ties” refers to the send­ing of elec­tron­ic mes­sages and/​or doc­u­ments (files) in elec­tron­ic form from one Par­ty to anoth­er Par­ty in cas­es pro­vid­ed for in the Agree­ment, which is car­ried out through the des­ig­nat­ed email address­es (e‑mail) of the Par­ties and/​or through the inter­face and func­tion­al capa­bil­i­ties of the Refer­ral Part­ner’s Per­son­al account. 

2. Terms and Conditions
2.1. Under this Agree­ment, the Refer­ral part­ner, on his own behalf and at his own expense but in the inter­ests of the Com­pa­ny, takes actions aimed at find­ing and attract­ing Refer­rals for fur­ther coop­er­a­tion of Refer­rals with the Com­pa­ny, and the Com­pa­ny under­takes to pay the Refer­ral part­ner a reward in the amount and man­ner pro­vid­ed for by this Agreement. 

2.2. The Refer­ral part­ner is not the own­er of the Ser­vice but per­forms only an inter­me­di­ary func­tion as an agent between the Com­pa­ny and Referrals. 

2.3. The Refer­ral part­ner may car­ry out activ­i­ties and rep­re­sent him­self in rela­tions with third par­ties only as a Refer­ral part­ner of the Company. 

3. Rights and oblig­a­tions of the parties
3.1. Oblig­a­tions of the Refer­ral Partner:
3.1.1. The refer­ral part­ner under­takes to com­ply with the leg­is­la­tion of the coun­try of his res­i­dence and/​or reg­is­tra­tion in his com­mer­cial activities. 

3.1.2. In case of claims from third par­ties to the Com­pa­ny relat­ed to the activ­i­ties of the refer­ral part­ner, the refer­ral part­ner under­takes to inde­pen­dent­ly and at his own expense set­tle the claims of such persons. 

3.1.3. In case of iden­ti­fy­ing sit­u­a­tions or per­sons who vio­late the legit­i­mate rights of the Com­pa­ny or who engage in activ­i­ties aimed at harm­ing the inter­ests of the Com­pa­ny, the refer­ral part­ner must inform the Com­pa­ny and coop­er­ate to pro­tect the Company. 

3.1.4. Attract referrals.
At the same time, the refer­ral part­ner can­not attract as a referral:

- a client who is already coop­er­at­ing with the Com­pa­ny, and any of his cur­rent (active) paid Accounts;
- a client who already works with the Com­pa­ny has received the sta­tus of an Inte­gra­tor or Reseller.

The Com­pa­ny has the right not to pay the refer­ral part­ner the amount of his due reward for vio­lat­ing this clause and to ter­mi­nate the Agree­ment uni­lat­er­al­ly.

3.1.5. The refer­ral part­ner under­takes not to take any actions that affect the oper­a­tion of the refer­ral pro­gram and the Com­pa­ny’s Ser­vice. Such actions include attempts to tech­ni­cal­ly influ­ence the per­for­mance of the Com­pa­ny’s Ser­vice servers, attempts to hack secu­ri­ty mech­a­nisms, use of virus­es, Tro­jans, and oth­er harm­ful pro­grams for any pur­pos­es, use of DDoS attacks, spam, etc.

3.1.6. The refer­ral part­ner is oblig­ed to act con­sci­en­tious­ly and exclu­sive­ly for the ben­e­fit of the Com­pa­ny, and under no cir­cum­stances to vio­late the oblig­a­tions imposed on him by this Agreement. 

3.2. The refer­ral part­ner has the right to:
3.2.1. Search for Refer­rals, inform poten­tial Refer­rals about the Com­pa­ny’s field of activ­i­ty and the Ser­vice pro­vid­ed by the Company. 

3.2.2. Intro­duce Refer­rals to the Com­pa­ny’s web­site by pro­vid­ing their refer­ral link. 

3.2.3. Con­tribute to increas­ing the lev­el of trust of poten­tial cus­tomers in the Com­pa­ny and its Ser­vice by pro­vid­ing truth­ful and com­plete infor­ma­tion about the Com­pa­ny and the Service. 

3.2.4. Receive a reward from the Com­pa­ny accord­ing to the terms of this Agreement. 

3.2.5. The Refer­ral Part­ner has oth­er rights pro­vid­ed by the pro­vi­sions of this Agree­ment and the applic­a­ble law of the coun­try where the Com­pa­ny is registered. 

3.2.6. The Refer­ral Part­ner has the right to have only one account (Per­son­al account of the Refer­ral Part­ner) placed on the Com­pa­ny’s website. 

3.3. The Refer­ral Part­ner is pro­hib­it­ed from:
3.3.1. Engag­ing in activ­i­ties that con­tra­dict the leg­is­la­tion of the coun­try of res­i­dence and/​or reg­is­tra­tion of the Refer­ral Part­ner, as well as the leg­is­la­tion of the coun­try where the Com­pa­ny is registered. 

3.3.2. Being a part­ner of anoth­er Com­pa­ny’s pro­gram at the same time. The Com­pa­ny ver­i­fies the Refer­ral Part­ner and in case of vio­la­tion of this pro­vi­sion of the Agree­ment, it has the right not to pay the Refer­ral Part­ner the amount of the reward due to him/​her, as well as to uni­lat­er­al­ly ter­mi­nate the Agreement. 

3.3.3. Using a refer­ral link in paid adver­tis­ing or adver­tis­ing that involves receiv­ing oth­er types of rewards with­out pri­or agree­ment with the Company. 
3.3.4. Using key­words Work­sec­tion, Ворксекшин, and all sim­i­lar com­bi­na­tions of words in con­tex­tu­al and/​or any oth­er adver­tis­ing with­out obtain­ing pri­or con­sent from the Company. 

3.3.5. Using self-refer­ral” — pay­ing for their account (per­son­al account) in the Com­pa­ny’s Ser­vice using their own refer­ral link, or cre­at­ing mul­ti­ple accounts, affil­i­at­ing a sec­ondary account(s) with the main one, with the main goal of receiv­ing com­pen­sa­tion for expenses. 

Includ­ing mak­ing pay­ments for a refer­ral link from one IP address (under one IP address” means a sit­u­a­tion where two or more users have ever used the Ser­vice from one IP address). In this case, the Refer­ral Part­ner is not cred­it­ed with a reward. 

3.3.6. Dis­trib­ut­ing a refer­ral link by spam­ming (includ­ing con­duct­ing spam mail­ings, post­ing spam on forums and com­mu­ni­ties, etc.). 

3.3.7. Plac­ing a refer­ral link on coupon aggre­ga­tor sites and/​or any oth­er ser­vices, the main activ­i­ty of which is to pro­vide users with dis­counts, cash­back, or oth­er types of bonus­es for purchases. 

3.3.8. To use and pro­vide inac­cu­rate, biassed, or false infor­ma­tion, refer­ring to or men­tion­ing the Com­pa­ny’s Ser­vice. This includes accu­rate data about cur­rent mar­ket­ing offers (pro­mo­tions). Pro­vid­ing false or out­dat­ed infor­ma­tion may be grounds for ter­mi­nat­ing coop­er­a­tion with the Refer­ral Partner. 

3.3.9. To take actions that may harm the exist­ing image and rep­u­ta­tion of the Com­pa­ny, reduce the lev­el of trust in the Ser­vice or mis­lead poten­tial Refer­rals about the Com­pa­ny’s activities. 

3.3.10. To take actions that may result in the Com­pa­ny incur­ring any oblig­a­tions to third par­ties who are not the Com­pa­ny’s Referrals. 

3.3.11. The Refer­ral Part­ner does not have the right to place adver­tise­ments on web­sites that con­tain infor­ma­tion that vio­lates human rights, pro­mote vio­lence, racial dis­crim­i­na­tion, drugs, human traf­fick­ing, or con­tain mate­ri­als of a porno­graph­ic nature. 

3.4. The Com­pa­ny undertakes:
3.4.1. To cal­cu­late and pay the Refer­ral Part­ner’s reward pro­vid­ed for by the terms of this Agree­ment in a time­ly manner. 

3.4.2. To pro­vide the Refer­ral Part­ner with instruc­tions and rec­om­men­da­tions on how to per­form the duties that are the sub­ject of this Agreement. 

3.4.3. To per­form oth­er oblig­a­tions pro­vid­ed for by this Agreement. 

3.5. The Com­pa­ny has the right:
3.5.1. To mon­i­tor the Refer­ral Part­ner’s activ­i­ties regard­ing the per­for­mance of his or her part­ner­ship func­tions pro­vid­ed for by this Agreement. 

3.5.2. The Com­pa­ny has the right to ter­mi­nate the agree­ment uni­lat­er­al­ly in case of vio­la­tion or non-ful­fill­ment by the Refer­ral Part­ner of the terms of this Agree­ment, as well as in cases: The use of adver­tis­ing meth­ods that force the Refer­ral and/​or vis­i­tor to make a pay­ment to the Ser­vice through decep­tion, black­mail, or any oth­er actions that vio­late free­dom of choice; Actions of the Refer­ral Part­ner that neg­a­tive­ly affect the Com­pa­ny’s busi­ness image and reputation; 

3.5.3. In case of vio­la­tion of the terms of this Agree­ment by the Refer­ral Part­ner, the Refer­ral Part­ner’s account with the accu­mu­lat­ed reward shall be blocked. 

3.5.4. The Com­pa­ny has oth­er rights pro­vid­ed for by the pro­vi­sions of this Agree­ment and the cur­rent leg­is­la­tion of the coun­try of reg­is­tra­tion of the Company. 

4. Deter­mi­na­tion of the Reward and Settlements
4.1. The Com­pa­ny pays the Refer­ral Part­ner a reward, the amount of which is estab­lished in this Agree­ment and indi­cat­ed in Appen­dix No. 1. 

4.2. In addi­tion to the due reward, the Refer­ral Part­ner shall not be enti­tled to reim­burse­ment of expens­es incurred for the use of third-par­ty ser­vices, pro­grams, or ser­vices, even if these expens­es were relat­ed to the activ­i­ties of search­ing for and attract­ing Refer­rals with­in the Refer­ral Program. 

4.3. The Refer­ral Part­ner is enti­tled to receive a reward upon ful­fill­ing the fol­low­ing conditions: 

4.3.1. As a result of the Refer­ral Part­ner’s activ­i­ties with­in the refer­ral pro­gram, an agree­ment has been con­clud­ed between the Com­pa­ny and the referred Referral. 

4.3.2. The Refer­ral Agree­ment has been ful­ly set­tled in terms of finan­cial trans­ac­tions between the Refer­ral and the Com­pa­ny, con­firmed by the Com­pa­ny’s Ser­vice soft­ware and data from the Refer­ral Part­ner’s Part­ner Cabinet. 

4.3.3. The Refer­ral Part­ner has not vio­lat­ed the terms of this Agreement. 

4.4. If the Refer­ral Part­ner wish­es to change the type of part­ner­ship to the Inte­gra­tor type, the Refer­ral Part­ner shall refuse to receive remu­ner­a­tion under the terms of the Refer­ral Pro­gram from the moment of acquir­ing the Inte­gra­tor status. 

4.5. If the Com­pa­ny deter­mines that the same Account is assigned to both a Part­ner and a Refer­ral Part­ner, the reward is can­celled and not eli­gi­ble for payment. 

4.6. Reward pay­ment is made upon the Refer­ral Part­ner’s pri­or request using the func­tion­al­i­ty of the Refer­ral Part­ner’s Part­ner Cabinet. 

4.6.1. The pro­ce­dure and method of pay­ment shall be agreed upon by the Par­ties through email cor­re­spon­dence. In this regard, the Refer­ral Part­ner under­stands and agrees that if the total reward amount is less than 50 (fifty) US dol­lars, the reward will not be paid and can only be paid upon reach­ing the spec­i­fied amount or in case of ter­mi­na­tion of the Agreement. 

4.6.2. Each request from the Refer­ral Part­ner is checked for com­pli­ance with the con­di­tions of the Refer­ral Pro­gram. The Com­pa­ny reserves the right not to accrue or can­cel pay­ments to the Refer­ral Part­ner in case of vio­la­tion of the Agree­ment terms. 

4.7. The reward is paid to the Refer­ral Part­ner with­in 31 days after the pay­ment by the Refer­ral, who was attract­ed to use the Soft­ware through the Refer­ral Partner. 

4.8. The pay­ment is con­sid­ered made, and the Com­pa­ny’s oblig­a­tions to pay the Refer­ral Part­ner’s reward are ful­filled from the moment the funds (reward amount) are deb­it­ed from the Com­pa­ny’s account. 

4.9. Addi­tion­al­ly, the Refer­ral Part­ner can use the accu­mu­lat­ed reward amount to pay for the Ser­vice for their own Projects, in which case the Com­pa­ny will pro­vide a bonus of 20% on this amount. 

4.10. Pay­ments to Part­ners are made only through the Pay­pal pay­ment sys­tem, unless oth­er options have been agreed upon sep­a­rate­ly. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is car­ried out through the con­tact details spec­i­fied by the Refer­ral Part­ner in his pro­file in the Part­ner Cab­i­net. The Part­ner is sole­ly respon­si­ble for cov­er­ing the pay­ment sys­tem com­mis­sion, if applicable. 

5. Part­ner reward amount
5.1. The Com­pa­ny pays the Refer­ral Part­ner a reward spec­i­fied in Appen­dix 1 in the fol­low­ing amounts: 

5.1.1. A one-time pay­ment of 25 US dol­lars after the first pay­ment for the Ser­vice by Refer­rals attract­ed on the first lev­el Iron”.

5.1.2. A one-time pay­ment of 35 US dol­lars after the first pay­ment for the Ser­vice on the sec­ond lev­el Bronze”, to which the Refer­ral Part­ner will move after attract­ing 5 Refer­rals who have made a min­i­mum 1‑month pay­ment for the Ser­vice usage. 

6. Lim­i­ta­tion of Liability
6.1. The Par­ties are respon­si­ble for non-per­for­mance or improp­er per­for­mance of their oblig­a­tions under the Agreement. 

6.2. The Com­pa­ny is not liable for tech­ni­cal defects, fail­ures, tech­ni­cal fea­tures and changes in algo­rithms and actions, deci­sions of search engine own­ers or admin­is­tra­tors, pro­grams and sys­tems, ser­vices, Inter­net net­work ser­vices, as well as the Inter­net net­work itself and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions sys­tems, com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems that may be used by the Refer­ral Part­ner in per­form­ing their oblig­a­tions under the Agree­ment, as well as any breach­es of such oblig­a­tions that have arisen due to the cir­cum­stances men­tioned above. 

6.3. The Refer­ral Part­ner is ful­ly respon­si­ble to the Com­pa­ny for any breach of the terms of the Agreement. 

6.4. The Com­pa­ny’s mate­r­i­al lia­bil­i­ty is lim­it­ed to reim­burs­ing actu­al dam­ages that must be doc­u­ment­ed by the Refer­ral Partner. 

7. Dura­tion of the agreement
7.1. This Refer­ral Agree­ment is con­clud­ed for an indef­i­nite peri­od. The Refer­ral Part­ner may ter­mi­nate the Agree­ment by send­ing an email to the Com­pa­ny’s sup­port service. 

7.2. If the Refer­ral Part­ner has an out­stand­ing reward bal­ance in the Refer­ral Part­ner’s account in the Part­ner’s cab­i­net, it will be paid by the Com­pa­ny in the man­ner and method agreed by the par­ties through email correspondence. 

7.3. All oper­a­tions made at the time of ter­mi­na­tion of the Agree­ment will be processed in the usu­al manner. 

8. Final provisions
8.1. The Com­pa­ny reserves the right to change the terms of this Agree­ment at any time if these changes do not affect the fun­da­men­tal pro­vi­sions of this Agree­ment. Noti­fi­ca­tions of changes will be sent by email 3 (three) days pri­or to the effec­tive date of the changes. 

8.2. If the Refer­ral Part­ner does not object to the changes in writ­ing with­in 3 (three) days of receiv­ing them at their email address, the changes become effec­tive for them. 

8.3. If the Refer­ral Part­ner objects to the changes, the Refer­ral Agree­ment is con­sid­ered ter­mi­nat­ed from the moment the Com­pa­ny receives the cor­re­spond­ing objec­tion in writing. 

8.4. In the event that dis­putes and/​or dis­crep­an­cies arise between the par­ties in con­nec­tion with the Agree­ment that can­not be resolved through nego­ti­a­tions, such dis­putes shall be sub­ject to expe­dit­ed arbi­tra­tion in accor­dance with the Arbi­tra­tion Rules for a final resolution. 

8.5. The recog­ni­tion of any part of the Agree­ment (pro­vi­sion, con­di­tion, sec­tion, etc.) as invalid accord­ing to a legal­ly bind­ing court deci­sion or in accor­dance with the require­ments of the law shall not inval­i­date oth­er parts of the Agree­ment, as well as the Agree­ment as a whole, and the legal rela­tions between the Par­ties that were reg­u­lat­ed by such rec­og­nized invalid part of the Agree­ment must be replaced by anoth­er, clos­est in con­tent and purpose. 

8.6. This Refer­ral Agree­ment may be ter­mi­nat­ed by the Com­pa­ny uni­lat­er­al­ly in case of the Refer­ral Part­ner’s breach of oblig­a­tions spec­i­fied in this Agree­ment. The Refer­ral Agree­ment is con­sid­ered ter­mi­nat­ed under the cir­cum­stances spec­i­fied in this para­graph, after 24 hours from the moment of send­ing an email noti­fi­ca­tion of ter­mi­na­tion to the Refer­ral Part­ner’s email address. The fact of receiv­ing and read­ing the noti­fi­ca­tion of ter­mi­na­tion by the Refer­ral Part­ner in this case is not significant. 

8.7. This Refer­ral Agree­ment may be revoked by the Com­pa­ny uni­lat­er­al­ly with­out pri­or agree­ment with the Refer­ral Part­ner. In this case, the Com­pa­ny informs the Refer­ral Part­ner by send­ing an email about the termination 

of the Agree­ment and coop­er­a­tion as a whole, and pays the Refer­ral Part­ner the remain­ing unpaid reward, if any, reflect­ed in the Refer­ral Part­ner’s account in the Part­ner’s Cabinet. 

Appen­dix No. 1
Lev­els of Refer­ral Program
The Com­pa­ny offers Refer­ral Part­ners sev­er­al lev­els. The tran­si­tion to a high­er lev­el occurs after reach­ing the required num­ber of agreements.

Part­ner level 


(Refer­ral program) 





Not required


Con­tract #


5 con­tracts

Com­pen­sa­tion per contract 

$25 once

$35 once

Bonus at the first payment 



Demo account

Not pro­vid­ed

Not pro­vid­ed


by Work­sec­tion

by Work­sec­tion

* — receives a Refer­ral to his account after full pay­ment of at least one month. 

The increased remu­ner­a­tion starts to be paid from the sixth referred client and applies to all sub­se­quent clients referred by the Refer­ral Partner. 

User Agreement

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Data Processing Addendum (DPA)

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List of sub-processors

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Cookie Policy

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Privacy Policy

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Partnership Agreement

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