User Agreement

This User Agreement (hereinafter «Agreement») is concluded between you (hereinafter «User») and LLC «Worksection» (43951196) hereinafter referred to as Contractor, represented by Director, Oleksii Lushchyk, acting on basis of the Charter (hereinafter «Worksection») and regulates all use of the website (the «Website») , which is owned and operated by Worksection and Services provided by Worksection, through the Website and all information that is available on the Website.


1.1. Only the person(User) who took all the terms of this Agreement, available at, «Privacy Agreement» posted at, and other rules provided on the Website has right to use the Website.

1.2. User must read carefully the Agreement before using the Website. By using any part of the Website, User agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement with Worksection. If you do not agree with the terms of the Agreement (in whole or in part), then you will not be granted the status and rights, and you have no right to use the Website, including but not limited to, any information posted on the Website and any services provided within the Website.

1.3. Terms of Agreement apply to all users of the Website — both to users who do not have an account on the Website (not registered user) or for users who have any account, any of the available types. An account means the totality of information about the user and authorization data (login, password).

1.4. User has no right to use the Services and can not accept the Agreement unless he has reached the legal age, when he has the right to accept such agreements with INRING.

1.5. If the law of the country residence’s or sojourning of User outlaw the use of the Site or Services for any reason, the User shall refrain from using the Site or Services, but if continue to use Software at their own risk.


2.1. Access to the Website for using the provided with it`s help services is possible only for registered users (who created the account).

2.2. If the User believes that the Website may contain information that would violate his rights, the User must notify Worksection and provide information that confirms the violation of rights. If the user provides false information about the violation of his rights, he bears full responsibility for damages (including costs, fees and payment for legal services).

2.3. When using the Website User is prohibited from:

2.3.1. Create more than one free account on the Website;

2.3.2. To register an Account on behalf of or for another person. At the same time, allowed registration of User by Administrator according to appropriate Account, and also Account of individual or legal person in case of obtaining the necessary authority in the manner and form prescribed by the legislation of Ukraine;

2.3.3. Foment and promote the incitement to religious, racial or ethnic hatred;

2.3.4. Commit acts that violate the rights, freedom, honor and dignity of any person;

2.3.5. To publish information (including any materials) that violates the copyrights, the signs for goods and services, industrial property rights and / or rights to other intellectual property rights that belong to Worksection and / or third parties;

2.3.6. To publish information that violates the rights and legitimate interests of third parties (including the publishing of photos and videos, the main object of which is a person if that person did not consent to publish pictures or video of his participation on the Website);

2.3.7. To publish material of a pornographic nature and the materials prohibited by the publication of legislation on public morals;

2.3.8. Carry out an illegal gathering, storage or distribution of personal information of users of other accounts;

2.3.9. To try to gain access to account and / or login and password of another user in any manner, including but not limited to, using deception, abuse of trust, selection of a login and password;

2.3.10. To place a computer virus and / or programs that may interrupt or disrupt the normal functionality of the hardware and / or software, and telecommunication facilities of any person.

2.4. The Responsibility of the User:

2.4.1. User is responsible for any use of information available on the Website.

2.4.2. The user is solely responsible to third parties for his actions or omissions when using the Website.

2.4.3. Customer agrees to settle all claims of third parties that relate to acts or omissions of the User when using the Website all alone and at his own expense.

2.4.4. If the user does not prove the contrary, any action on the Website made using his account and / or his / her login and password, considered to be executed in this Account, and the User is solely responsible for such actions, their consequences and results as of if the use of User’s account by a third person was authorized by the User.

2.4.5. In the case of publishing the information by User on the Website infringing the Agreements between the Parties or applicable law Worksection has the right to block access to such information without notice, at its sole discretion, on the period of time needed to determine legality of publishing and using such information.

2.4.6. For violating the terms of this Agreement, Worksection has the right, without prior notification to block User from accessing the Website and / or remove User account.

2.4.7. The User that has the rights of new user registration within its Account on the Website, confirms that at the time of creating by him the Account for new User, new User has consented to the creation of such an Account, and that the new User has read and fully accept the conditions of this Agreement, the terms of «Privacy Agreement» and the conditions of other agreements referred to in the Website, which are binding for the use of the Website and Services. Otherwise, the User bears full and sole responsibility for the actions of new User using Websites and Services by him.

2.4.8. The User, providing for use his Account to another person confirms, that at the moment providing such using, new User has read and fully accept the conditions of this Agreement, the terms of «Privacy Agreement» and the conditions of other agreements referred to in the Website, which are binding for the use of the Website and Services. Otherwise, the User who provided access to his Account bears full and sole responsibility for the actions of new User using Websites and services by him.

2.4.9. The User, who registered the new User within his Account, has the right to delete the Account of this User solely at any moment. The new User accept such condition of Agreement.

2.5. The Responsibility of Worksection:

2.5.1. Worksection is not responsible for any use by third parties the content posted by Users on the Website (for example if the User has authorized access for a third party to User`s information, or if the third party gained an unauthorized access), including the copying, reproduction and distribution, as implemented in within the Website, and other possible ways.

2.5.2. Worksection is not reimbursing for damages, direct or indirect, caused to User or any third partes in the result of use or non-use, including inability to use the Website.

2.5.3. Worksection assumes no obligation to check, change and control the information that is published by someone on the Website, does not guarantee and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information, its legality, quality and compliance with the specific demands and needs of Users of the Website.

2.5.4. Worksection is not responsible for the content of websites that do not belong to him, references to which may be presented on the Website, and do not guarantee their availability, correct operation and compliance with the noted theme.


3.1. The user who published on the Website any information that contains intellectual property, including but not limited to, text, graphics, audio and video products, computer programs, databases, trade marks for goods and services, etc., ensures that upload to the Website, copying and use of this information and / or intellectual property rights contained in it, will not infringe rights of third parties.

3.2. This Agreement does not grant to the User any ownership rights to any intellectual property of Worksection or third parties, if it is not explicitly noted, and all ownership rights with respect to such facilities remain solely to Worksection and / or the relevant third party.


4.1. The User confirms that he has a look at and fully accept the conditions of the «Privacy Agreement» concluded between Worksection and User.


5.1. Worksection has the right to amend to this Agreement. All amends to the Agreement will be available in a new version of the Agreement at In the case of significant amends to the Agreement, Worksection further inform User about these amends by e-mail. All amends to the Agreement shall enter into force after their publication. Using the services or Website the User agrees to new terms in the Agreement in force as from the date of using services or Website.

5.2. Worksection is not responsible for loss or damage suffered by Users or third parties resulting from erroneous understanding or misunderstanding of the terms of this Agreement, instructions or guidance on the use of Website or Services for order of providing data and other technical issues.

5.3. The user provides Worksection the right to send messages to the User, which contain information about the Website, services of Worksection and other information. The User agree that such messages do not determined as «Spam» (the messages including advertising which the User do not want to receive.

5.4. In the case of invalidation or unenforceable any part of this Agreement, other parts of the Agreement shall remain in force. Failure of either Party of any term or condition of this Agreement or any breach of them does not negate the effect of this provision or condition.

5.5. Worksection provide the Website «as is». Worksection do not guarantee compliance the Website to objectives and expectations of User. Worksection responsible for the uninterrupted operation and error-free performance of the Website, as well as the safety of the user account and information, which is posted by the User on the Website only in the framework of agreements and contracts concluded between the User and Worksection.

5.6. Worksection has the right to unilaterally change the value, types and duration of services provided within the Website.

5.7. Worksection may assign its rights under this Agreement to any third party at any time and without notice.

5.8. Until this Agreement and relations between Worksection and the User, apply the legislation of Ukraine. The Parties fully agrees that the competent courts of Ukraine shall have exclusive jurisdiction for any claims and disputes relating to the Agreement.

Data Processing Addendum (DPA)

The pro­tec­tion of indi­vid­u­als’ per­son­al data is a fun­da­men­tal right under EU law and cur­rent­ly reg­u­lat­ed by the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (Reg­u­la­tion (EU) 2016679) (the GDPR”). The GDPR spec­i­fies that the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data by a proces­sor on behalf of a con­troller shall be gov­erned by a writ­ten agree­ment reg­u­lat­ing amongst oth­ers the cir­cum­stances and con­di­tions under which such pro­cess­ing may take place.

This Data Pro­cess­ing Adden­dum (the Adden­dum” or DPA”) forms part of the Work­sec­tion Terms of Ser­vice avail­able at work​sec​tion​.com/​e​n​/​a​g​r​e​e​m​e​n​t​.html, (the Terms of Ser­vice”, updat­ed from time to time), or oth­er agree­ment gov­ern­ing the use of Worksection’s ser­vices (“Agree­ment”) entered by and between you, the Cus­tomer (as defined in the Agree­ment — col­lec­tive­ly, you”, your”, Cus­tomer”), and Work­sec­tion LLC (“Work­sec­tion”, us”, we”, our”) to reflect the par­ties’ agree­ment with regard to the Pro­cess­ing of Per­son­al Data by Work­sec­tion sole­ly on behalf of the Cus­tomer. Both par­ties shall be referred to as the Par­ties” and each, a Par­ty”.

The Par­ties have agreed that Work­sec­tion shall pro­vide Cus­tomer with a cloud-based project man­age­ment tool (here­inafter referred to as the Ser­vices”), under which Work­sec­tion will be pro­cess­ing cer­tain per­son­al data on behalf of the Cus­tomer in the capac­i­ty of proces­sor. As such, the Par­ties acknowl­edge the need to enter into this sep­a­rate Adden­dum to reg­u­late the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data by Work­sec­tion on behalf of the Cus­tomer. By using the Ser­vices, Cus­tomer accepts this DPA and any­one who is enter­ing into the Terms of Ser­vice on behalf of a com­pa­ny or oth­er legal enti­ty, rep­re­sents to have the author­i­ty to bind such enti­ty and its affil­i­ates to these terms and con­di­tions, in which case the terms you” and your” here­in shall refer to such enti­ty. If you can­not, or do not agree to, com­ply and be bound by this DPA, or do not have author­i­ty to bind the Cus­tomer or any oth­er enti­ty, please do not pro­vide Per­son­al Data to us.

In the event of any con­flict between cer­tain pro­vi­sions of this DPA and the pro­vi­sions of the Agree­ment, the pro­vi­sions of this DPA shall pre­vail over the con­flict­ing pro­vi­sions of the Agree­ment sole­ly with respect to the Pro­cess­ing of Per­son­al Data.


Cap­i­tal­ized terms not defined here­in shall have the mean­ings assigned to such terms in the Agreement.

(a) Affil­i­ate” means any enti­ty that direct­ly or indi­rect­ly con­trols, is con­trolled by, or is under com­mon con­trol with the sub­ject enti­ty. Con­trol”, for pur­pos­es of this def­i­n­i­tion, means direct or indi­rect own­er­ship or con­trol of more than 50% of the vot­ing inter­ests of the sub­ject entity.

(b) Autho­rized Affil­i­ate” means any of Customer’s Affiliate(s) which is explic­it­ly per­mit­ted to use the Ser­vices pur­suant to the Agree­ment between Cus­tomer and Work­sec­tion but has not signed its own agree­ment with Work­sec­tion and is not a Cus­tomer” as defined under the Agreement.

© CCPA” means the Cal­i­for­nia Con­sumer Pri­va­cy Act of 2018. Sec­tion 1798.100.

(d) The terms, Con­troller“, Mem­ber State“, Proces­sor“, Pro­cess­ing” and Super­vi­so­ry Author­i­ty” shall have the same mean­ing as in the GDPR. The terms Busi­ness”, Busi­ness Pur­pose”, Con­sumer” and Ser­vice Provider” shall have the same mean­ing as in the CCPA.

For the pur­pose of clar­i­ty, with­in this DPA Con­troller” shall also mean Busi­ness”, and Proces­sor” shall also mean Ser­vice Provider”, to the extent that the CCPA applies. In the same man­ner, Processor’s Sub-proces­sor shall also refer to the con­cept of Ser­vice Provider.

(e) Data Pro­tec­tion Laws” means all applic­a­ble and bind­ing pri­va­cy and data pro­tec­tion laws and reg­u­la­tions, includ­ing such laws and reg­u­la­tions of the Euro­pean Union, the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area and their Mem­ber States, Switzer­land, the Unit­ed King­dom, Cana­da, and the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca, as applic­a­ble to the Pro­cess­ing of Per­son­al Data under the Agree­ment includ­ing (with­out lim­i­ta­tion) the GDPR, the UK GDPR, and the CCPA, as applic­a­ble to the Pro­cess­ing of Per­son­al Data here­un­der and in effect at the time of Processor’s per­for­mance hereunder.

(f) Data Sub­ject” means the iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fi­able per­son to whom the Per­son­al Data relates.

(g) GDPR” means the Reg­u­la­tion (EU) 2016679 of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment and of the Coun­cil of 27 April 2016 on the pro­tec­tion of nat­ur­al per­sons with regard to the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data and on the free move­ment of such data, and repeal­ing Direc­tive 95/46/EC (Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Regulation).

(h) Per­son­al Data” or Per­son­al Infor­ma­tion” means any infor­ma­tion that iden­ti­fies, relates to, describes, is capa­ble of being asso­ci­at­ed with, or could rea­son­ably be linked, direct­ly or indi­rect­ly, to or with an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fi­able nat­ur­al per­son or Con­sumer, which is processed by Work­sec­tion sole­ly on behalf of Cus­tomer, under this DPA and the Agree­ment between Cus­tomer and Worksection.

(i) Ser­vices” means the cloud-based work oper­at­ing sys­tem plat­form (“Plat­form”) and any oth­er ser­vices pro­vid­ed to Cus­tomer by Work­sec­tion under the Agreement.

(j) Secu­ri­ty Doc­u­men­ta­tion” means the secu­ri­ty doc­u­men­ta­tion specif­i­cal­ly applic­a­ble to the Pro­cess­ing of Per­son­al Data by Work­sec­tion under the Agree­ment and this DPA, as updat­ed from time to time, and acces­si­ble via work​sec​tion​.com/​e​n​/​a​g​r​e​e​m​e​n​t​.html, or as oth­er­wise made rea­son­ably avail­able by Worksection.

(k) Sen­si­tive Data” means Per­son­al Data that is pro­tect­ed under a spe­cial leg­is­la­tion and requires unique treat­ment, such as spe­cial cat­e­gories of data”, sen­si­tive data” or oth­er mate­ri­al­ly sim­i­lar terms under applic­a­ble Data Pro­tec­tion Laws, which may include any of the fol­low­ing: (a) social secu­ri­ty num­ber, tax file num­ber, pass­port num­ber, driver’s license num­ber, or sim­i­lar iden­ti­fi­er (or any por­tion there­of); (b) cred­it or deb­it card num­ber; © finan­cial, cred­it, genet­ic, bio­met­ric or health infor­ma­tion; (d) infor­ma­tion reveal­ing racial or eth­nic ori­gin, polit­i­cal opin­ions, reli­gious or philo­soph­i­cal beliefs, or trade union mem­ber­ship, genet­ic data or bio­met­ric data for the pur­pose of unique­ly iden­ti­fy­ing a nat­ur­al per­son, data con­cern­ing health or a person’s sex life or sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, or data relat­ing to crim­i­nal con­vic­tions and offences; and/​or (e) account pass­words in unhashed form.

(l) Sub-proces­sor” means any third par­ty that Process­es Per­son­al Data under the instruc­tion or super­vi­sion of Worksection.

(m) UK GDPR” means the Data Pro­tec­tion Act 2018, as well as the GDPR as it forms part of the law of Eng­land and Wales, Scot­land and North­ern Ire­land by virtue of sec­tion 3 of the Euro­pean Union (With­draw­al) Act 2018 and as amend­ed by the Data Pro­tec­tion, Pri­va­cy and Elec­tron­ic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions (Amend­ments etc.) (EU Exit) Reg­u­la­tions 2019 (SI 2019419).


2.1. Scope and Roles. This Adden­dum applies when Cus­tomer Data is processed by Work­sec­tion on behalf of Cus­tomer as part of per­form­ing the Services.

2.2. Com­pli­ance with Laws. Each par­ty will com­ply with all laws, rules and reg­u­la­tions applic­a­ble to it and bind­ing on it in the per­for­mance of this Adden­dum, includ­ing all statu­to­ry require­ments relat­ing to data protection.

2.3. The Nature and Pur­pose of Data Pro­cess­ing. As long as Cus­tomer is using the Ser­vices, and as a con­se­quence of Cus­tomer using the Ser­vices, Work­sec­tion will process Cus­tomer Data on behalf of Cus­tomer. Cus­tomer Data includes but is not lim­it­ed to names, address­es and con­tact infor­ma­tion of the Customer’s invit­ed users, as well as oth­er kind of per­son­al data which Cus­tomer will upload to the Ser­vices in dif­fer­ent project, col­lec­tions and boards. Cus­tomer Data can relate to Customer’s employ­ees, direc­tors, offi­cers, cus­tomers and sub­con­trac­tors, but also to third par­ties which are some­how part of or relat­ed to a project man­aged by Cus­tomer when using the Ser­vices. Cus­tomer Data may also include tech­ni­cal data, usage data, qual­i­ty sta­tis­tics and sim­i­lar infor­ma­tion (includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to device relat­ed and loca­tion-based met­rics) relat­ed to Customer’s access to and use of the Services.

2.4. Instruc­tions for Data Pro­cess­ing. Work­sec­tion will process Cus­tomer Data in accor­dance with Customer’s doc­u­ment­ed instruc­tions, includ­ing with regard to trans­fers of per­son­al data to a third coun­try or an inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion, unless required to do oth­er­wise by applic­a­ble law. Any addi­tion­al costs, which arise as a result of such restric­tions, shall be borne by Cus­tomer. The par­ties agree that this Adden­dum is Customer’s com­plete and final instruc­tions to Work­sec­tion in rela­tion to pro­cess­ing of Cus­tomer Data. Pro­cess­ing out­side the scope of this Adden­dum (if any) will require pri­or writ­ten agree­ment between Work­sec­tion and Cus­tomer on addi­tion­al instruc­tions for pro­cess­ing, includ­ing agree­ment on any addi­tion­al fees Cus­tomer will pay to Work­sec­tion for car­ry­ing out such instruc­tions. Cus­tomer may ter­mi­nate this Adden­dum if Work­sec­tion declines to fol­low instruc­tions request­ed by Cus­tomer that are out­side the scope of this Addendum.

2.5. Access or Use. Work­sec­tion will not access or use Cus­tomer Data, except as nec­es­sary to main­tain, improve and pro­vide the Ser­vices request­ed by Customer.

2.6. Details of the Pro­cess­ing. The dura­tion of the pro­cess­ing, the nature and pur­pose of the pro­cess­ing, the types of Cus­tomer Data and cat­e­gories of data sub­jects processed under this DPA are fur­ther spec­i­fied in Annex 1 (Details of the Pro­cess­ing) to this DPA.

2.7. Assis­tance. Tak­ing into account the nature of the pro­cess­ing, Work­sec­tion shall assist Cus­tomer by appro­pri­ate tech­ni­cal and orga­ni­za­tion­al mea­sures, inso­far as this is pos­si­ble, for the ful­fil­ment of Customer’s oblig­a­tion to respond to requests for exer­cis­ing the data subject’s rights.

2.8. Dis­clo­sure. Work­sec­tion will not dis­close Cus­tomer Data to any gov­ern­ment, except as nec­es­sary to com­ply with the law or a valid and bind­ing order of a law enforce­ment agency (such as a sub­poe­na or court order). If a law enforce­ment agency sends Work­sec­tion a demand for Cus­tomer Data, Work­sec­tion will attempt to redi­rect the law enforce­ment agency to request that data direct­ly from Cus­tomer. As part of this effort, Work­sec­tion may pro­vide Customer’s basic con­tact infor­ma­tion to the law enforce­ment agency. If com­pelled to dis­close Cus­tomer Data to a law enforce­ment agency, then Work­sec­tion will give Cus­tomer rea­son­able Notice of the demand to allow Cus­tomer to seek a pro­tec­tive order or oth­er appro­pri­ate rem­e­dy unless Work­sec­tion is legal­ly pro­hib­it­ed from doing so.

2.9. Work­sec­tion Per­son­nel. Work­sec­tion restricts its per­son­nel from pro­cess­ing Cus­tomer Data with­out autho­riza­tion by Work­sec­tion. Work­sec­tion will impose appro­pri­ate con­trac­tu­al oblig­a­tions upon its per­son­nel, includ­ing rel­e­vant oblig­a­tions regard­ing con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, data pro­tec­tion and data security.

2.10. Cus­tomer Con­trols. Work­sec­tion makes avail­able a num­ber of secu­ri­ty fea­tures and func­tion­al­i­ties that Cus­tomer may elect to use. Cus­tomer is respon­si­ble for prop­er­ly (a) con­fig­ur­ing the Ser­vices, (b) using the con­trols avail­able in con­nec­tion with the Ser­vices (includ­ing the secu­ri­ty con­trols), and © tak­ing such steps as Cus­tomer con­sid­ers ade­quate to main­tain appro­pri­ate secu­ri­ty, pro­tec­tion, dele­tion and back­up of Cus­tomer Data, which may include use of encryp­tion tech­nol­o­gy to pro­tect Cus­tomer Data from unau­tho­rized access and rou­tine archiv­ing of Cus­tomer Data.


3.1. Trans­fers from the EEA and Switzer­land to coun­tries that offer ade­quate lev­el or data pro­tec­tion. Per­son­al Data may be trans­ferred from EU mem­ber states, Nor­way, Liecht­en­stein and Ice­land (col­lec­tive­ly EEA”), and Switzer­land, to coun­tries that offer an ade­quate lev­el of data pro­tec­tion under or pur­suant to the ade­qua­cy deci­sions pub­lished by the rel­e­vant data pro­tec­tion author­i­ties of the EEA, the Euro­pean Union, the Mem­ber States or the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, or Switzer­land as rel­e­vant (“Ade­qua­cy Deci­sions”), as applic­a­ble, with­out any fur­ther safe­guard being necessary.

3.2. Trans­fers to oth­er coun­tries. If the Pro­cess­ing of Per­son­al Data by Work­sec­tion includes trans­fers (either direct­ly or via onward trans­fer) from the EEA or Switzer­land to oth­er coun­tries which have not been sub­ject to a rel­e­vant Ade­qua­cy Deci­sion, and such trans­fers are not per­formed through an alter­na­tive rec­og­nized com­pli­ance mech­a­nism as may be adopt­ed by Work­sec­tion for the law­ful trans­fer of per­son­al data (as defined in the GDPR) out­side the EEA or Switzer­land, as applic­a­ble, then the 2021 Stan­dard Con­trac­tu­al Claus­es” (as approved by the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion in deci­sion Imple­ment­ing Deci­sion (EU) 2021914) and relat­ed annex­es and appen­dices shall apply.


Work­sec­tion will imple­ment such tech­ni­cal and orga­ni­za­tion­al mea­sures to pro­tect Cus­tomer Data against acci­den­tal or unlaw­ful destruc­tion or acci­den­tal loss, alter­ation, unau­tho­rized pro­cess­ing, dis­clo­sure and access, which are required by applic­a­ble law. Work­sec­tion will main­tain an infor­ma­tion secu­ri­ty pro­gram (includ­ing the adop­tion and enforce­ment of inter­nal poli­cies and pro­ce­dures) designed to (a) help Cus­tomer secure Cus­tomer Data against acci­den­tal or unlaw­ful loss, access or dis­clo­sure, (b) iden­ti­fy rea­son­ably fore­see­able and inter­nal risks to secu­ri­ty and unau­tho­rized access to the Work­sec­tion, and © min­i­mize secu­ri­ty risks, includ­ing through risk assess­ment and reg­u­lar test­ing. Work­sec­tion will des­ig­nate one or more employ­ees to coor­di­nate and be account­able for the infor­ma­tion secu­ri­ty pro­gram. The infor­ma­tion secu­ri­ty pro­gram will include mea­sures relat­ing to both net­work and phys­i­cal secu­ri­ty, and will be reviewed peri­od­i­cal­ly by Work­sec­tion to deter­mine whether addi­tion­al or dif­fer­ent secu­ri­ty mea­sures are required to respond to new secu­ri­ty risks or find­ings gen­er­at­ed by the peri­od­ic reviews. If Cus­tomer wish­es Work­sec­tion to take any fur­ther mea­sures, Work­sec­tion will do so to a rea­son­able extent, but any addi­tion­al costs shall be borne by Cus­tomer. Cus­tomer con­firms that it deems the mea­sures set forth in Annex 2 as being appro­pri­ate tech­ni­cal and orga­ni­za­tion­al safe­guards in rela­tion to the pro­cess­ing of Per­son­al Data.


Cus­tomer is sole­ly respon­si­ble for review­ing the infor­ma­tion made avail­able by Work­sec­tion relat­ing to data secu­ri­ty and mak­ing an inde­pen­dent deter­mi­na­tion as to whether the Ser­vices meet Customer’s require­ments, and for ensur­ing that Customer’s per­son­nel and con­sul­tants fol­low the guide­lines they are pro­vid­ed regard­ing data security.


Upon the request of Cus­tomer and dur­ing reg­u­lar busi­ness hours, Work­sec­tion will sub­mit its data pro­cess­ing facil­i­ties for audit of the pro­cess­ing activ­i­ties cov­ered by the Adden­dum which shall be car­ried out by Cus­tomer at Customer’s expense.


7.1. If Work­sec­tion becomes aware of either (a) any unlaw­ful access to any Cus­tomer Data stored on Worksection’s equip­ment or in Worksection’s facil­i­ties; or (b) any unau­tho­rized access to such equip­ment or facil­i­ties, where in either case such access results in loss, dis­clo­sure, or alter­ation of Cus­tomer Data (each a Secu­ri­ty Inci­dent”), Work­sec­tion will prompt­ly: (a) noti­fy Cus­tomer of the Secu­ri­ty Inci­dent; and (b) take rea­son­able steps to mit­i­gate the effects and to min­i­mize any dam­age result­ing from the Secu­ri­ty Incident.

7.2. Cus­tomer agrees that:

(i) an unsuc­cess­ful Secu­ri­ty Inci­dent will not be sub­ject to this Sec­tion. An unsuc­cess­ful Secu­ri­ty Inci­dent is one that results in no unau­tho­rized access to Cus­tomer Data or to any of Worksection’s equip­ment or facil­i­ties stor­ing Cus­tomer Data, and may include, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, pings and oth­er broad­cast attacks on fire­walls or edge servers, port scans, unsuc­cess­ful log-on attempts, denial of ser­vice attacks, pack­et sniff­ing (or oth­er unau­tho­rized access to traf­fic data that does not result in access beyond IP address­es or head­ers) or sim­i­lar inci­dents; and

(ii) Worksection’s oblig­a­tion to report or respond to a Secu­ri­ty Inci­dent under this Sec­tion is not and will not be con­strued as an acknowl­edge­ment by Work­sec­tion of any fault or lia­bil­i­ty of Work­sec­tion with respect to the Secu­ri­ty Incident.

7.3. Notification(s) of Secu­ri­ty Inci­dents, if any, will be deliv­ered to one or more of Customer’s admin­is­tra­tors by any means Work­sec­tion selects, includ­ing via email. It is Customer’s sole respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure Customer’s admin­is­tra­tors main­tain accu­rate con­tact infor­ma­tion on the Work­sec­tion at all times.


8.1. Autho­rized Sub-proces­sors. Cus­tomer agrees that Work­sec­tion may use sub-proces­sors to ful­fil its con­trac­tu­al oblig­a­tions under this Adden­dum or to pro­vide cer­tain ser­vices on its behalf, such as pro­vid­ing sup­port ser­vices. Work­sec­tion main­tains a list of sub-proces­sors on its web­site work​sec​tion​.com/​e​n​/​a​g​r​e​e​m​e​n​t​.html. Work­sec­tion shall noti­fy Cus­tomer of any intend­ed changes con­cern­ing the addi­tion or replace­ment of sub-proces­sors, to which the Cus­tomer may object. Cus­tomer is noti­fied when Work­sec­tion updat­ing the list of sub-proces­sors on its web­site. If Cus­tomer has made no such objec­tion with­in thir­ty (30) days from the date of receipt of the notification/​date of update on the web­site, Cus­tomer is assumed to have made no objec­tion. In case of an objec­tion from the Cus­tomer, Work­sec­tion has the right to cure the Customer’s objec­tion at Worksection’s sole dis­cre­tion. If (i) no cor­rec­tive option is rea­son­ably avail­able; or (ii) the par­ties have not been able to find a mutu­al­ly agree­able solu­tion, and (iii) the objec­tion has not been cured with­in thir­ty (30) days after Work­sec­tion receiv­ing the objec­tion, either Par­ty may ter­mi­nate the Terms of Ser­vice with imme­di­ate effect.

8.2. Sub-proces­sor Oblig­a­tions. Where Work­sec­tion autho­rizes any sub-proces­sor as described in this Section:

(i) Work­sec­tion will restrict the sub-processor’s access to Cus­tomer Data only to what is nec­es­sary to main­tain the Ser­vices or to pro­vide the Ser­vices to Cus­tomer in accor­dance with the Terms of Ser­vice and Work­sec­tion will pro­hib­it the sub-proces­sor from access­ing Cus­tomer Data for any oth­er purpose.

(ii) Work­sec­tion will impose appro­pri­ate con­trac­tu­al oblig­a­tions in writ­ing upon the sub-proces­sor that are no less pro­tec­tive than this Adden­dum, includ­ing rel­e­vant con­trac­tu­al oblig­a­tions regard­ing con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, data pro­tec­tion, data secu­ri­ty and audit rights; and

(iii) Work­sec­tion will remain respon­si­ble for its com­pli­ance with the oblig­a­tions of this Adden­dum and for any acts or omis­sions of the sub-proces­sor that cause Work­sec­tion to breach any of Worksection’s oblig­a­tions under this Addendum.


If Cus­tomer Data becomes sub­ject to con­fis­ca­tion dur­ing bank­rupt­cy or insol­ven­cy pro­ceed­ings, or sim­i­lar mea­sures by third par­ties while being processed by Work­sec­tion, Work­sec­tion will inform Cus­tomer with­out undue delay. Work­sec­tion will, with­out undue delay, noti­fy all rel­e­vant par­ties in such action (e.g. cred­i­tors, bank­rupt­cy trustee) that any Cus­tomer Data sub­ject­ed to those pro­ceed­ings is Customer’s prop­er­ty and area of respon­si­bil­i­ty and that Cus­tomer Data is at Customer’s sole disposition.


Fol­low­ing ter­mi­na­tion of the Agree­ment and ces­sa­tion of the Ser­vices, at the choice of Cus­tomer (indi­cat­ed through the Plat­form or in writ­ten noti­fi­ca­tion to Proces­sor), Proces­sor shall delete or return to Cus­tomer all the Per­son­al Data it Process­es sole­ly on behalf of the Cus­tomer in the man­ner described in the Agree­ment, and Proces­sor shall delete exist­ing copies of such Per­son­al Data unless Data Pro­tec­tion Laws require oth­er­wise. To the extent autho­rized or required by applic­a­ble law, Proces­sor may also retain one copy of the Per­son­al Data sole­ly for evi­dence pur­pos­es and/​or for the estab­lish­ment, exer­cise or defense of legal claims and/​or for com­pli­ance with legal obligations.


Cat­e­gories of Data Subjects.
Cus­tomer may sub­mit Per­son­al Data to the Ser­vice which may include, but is not lim­it­ed to, Per­son­al Data relat­ing to the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories of Data Subjects:

● Customer’s invit­ed users
● Employ­ees of Customer
● Con­sul­tants of Customer
● Agents of Customer
● Advi­sors of Customer
● Busi­ness part­ners and ven­dors of Cus­tomer (who are nat­ur­al persons)

Any oth­er third par­ty indi­vid­ual with whom Cus­tomer decides to com­mu­ni­cate through the Service.

Cat­e­gories of data.
Any per­son­al data com­prised in Cus­tomer Data, i.e. Per­son­al Data that is uploaded by the Cus­tomer to the Ser­vices under Customer’s Work­sec­tion accounts or oth­er­wise processed by Work­sec­tion on behalf of Cus­tomer, in con­nec­tion with Customer’s use of the Services.

The Cus­tomer acknowl­edges and under­stands that the Ser­vices are used for col­lab­o­ra­tion and plan­ning, and that they are not designed for the pro­cess­ing of spe­cial cat­e­gories of per­son­al data.

Dura­tion of Processing.
Sub­ject to any Sec­tion of the DPA and/​or the Agree­ment deal­ing with the dura­tion of the pro­cess­ing and the con­se­quences of the expi­ra­tion or ter­mi­na­tion there­of, Work­sec­tion will Process Per­son­al Data pur­suant to the DPA and Agree­ment for the dura­tion of the Agree­ment, unless oth­er­wise agreed upon in writ­ing. Cus­tomer will itself delete Per­son­al Data uploaded to the Ser­vices, in accor­dance with its own reten­tion policies.

Pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions and frequency.
The pro­cess­ing takes place con­tin­u­ous­ly, as Cus­tomer avails itself of the Services.

The per­son­al data may be sub­ject to the fol­low­ing pro­cess­ing activities:

● stor­age and oth­er pro­cess­ing nec­es­sary to pro­vide, main­tain and improve the Ser­vices pro­vid­ed to the Data Exporter;
● to pro­vide cus­tomer and tech­ni­cal sup­port to the Data Exporter;
● dis­clo­sures in accor­dance with the Agree­ment, as com­pelled by law.

Sub-pro­cess­ing operations.
Sub-proces­sors are engaged by Work­sec­tion for web ana­lyt­ics, ERP, cus­tomer data ana­lyt­ics, cus­tomer sup­port, servers and host­ing, and email functionalities.


Mea­sures of pseu­do­nymiza­tion and encryp­tion of per­son­al data.
Work­sec­tion main­tains cus­tomer data encrypt­ed at rest using a cipher strength equiv­a­lent to 256 bit sym­met­ric cryp­to or bet­ter. Data is encrypt­ed in tran­sit using TLS 1.2 or later.

Mea­sures for ensur­ing ongo­ing con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, integri­ty, and avail­abil­i­ty and resilience of pro­cess­ing sys­tems and services.
The infra­struc­ture for the Work­sec­tion ser­vices spans mul­ti­ple data cen­tres in dif­fer­ent EU coun­tries and in Ukraine.

Mea­sures for ensur­ing the abil­i­ty to restore avail­abil­i­ty and access to Per­son­al Data in a time­ly man­ner in the event of a phys­i­cal or tech­ni­cal incident.
Work­sec­tion back­ups up cus­tomer data in real time. Back­ups are retained redun­dant­ly across mul­ti­ple data cen­tres and are encrypt­ed in tran­sit and at rest with indus­try stan­dard ciphers with cipher strength equiv­a­lent to 256 bit sym­met­ric crypto.

Process­es for reg­u­lar test­ing to ensure the secu­ri­ty of processing.
Work­sec­tion main­tains a secu­ri­ty pro­gram based on ISO 27001 stan­dards. This includes admin­is­tra­tive, orga­ni­za­tion­al, tech­ni­cal and phys­i­cal secu­ri­ty safe­guards designed to pro­tect the con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, integri­ty and avail­abil­i­ty of cus­tomer data. Work­sec­tion per­forms annu­al third par­ty appli­ca­tion and net­work pen­e­tra­tion tests.

Mea­sures for user iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and authorization.
Work­sec­tion per­son­nel are required to use unique user cre­den­tials and secrets for authentication.

Mea­sures for the pro­tec­tion of data dur­ing transmission.
Cus­tomer data is encrypt­ed with TLS 1.2 or lat­er encryp­tion dur­ing trans­mis­sion between the cus­tomer and Work­sec­tion as well as inter­nal­ly between Work­sec­tion systems.

Mea­sures for the pro­tec­tion of data dur­ing storage.
Cus­tomer data is stored encrypt­ed using indus­try stan­dard 256 bit sym­met­ric ciphers.

Mea­sures for ensur­ing sys­tems con­fig­u­ra­tion, includ­ing default configuration.
Work­sec­tion applies Secure Soft­ware Devel­op­ment Life­cy­cle (Secure SDLC) stan­dards to per­form numer­ous secu­ri­ty-relat­ed activ­i­ties for the Ser­vices across dif­fer­ent phas­es of the prod­uct cre­ation life­cy­cle from require­ments gath­er­ing and prod­uct design all the way through prod­uct deploy­ment. These activ­i­ties include, but are not lim­it­ed to, the per­for­mance of (a) inter­nal secu­ri­ty reviews before new ser­vices are deployed; (b) annu­al pen­e­tra­tion test­ing by inde­pen­dent third par­ties; and © threat mod­els for new ser­vices to detect any poten­tial secu­ri­ty problems.

Last Updat­ed: July 112022

List of sub-processors

Worksection is engaging the following sub-processors for the processing of personal data.


 Type of Service

 Location for Processing

 Google LLC Cloud computing provider, error monitoring (through Firebase) EU/EEA and US, Transfer Mechanism: SCC
 Hetzner Online GmbH Data center EU/EEA (Nuremberg and
Falkenstein, Germany)
 Pipedrive OÜ Service provider for CRM EU/EEA (Tallinn, Estonia)
 Freshworks Service provider for customer support conversations EU/EEA and US, Transfer Mechanism: SCC
 Ecomz Holding Limited
 Email notification services EU/EEA
 Fondy (Financial Company Elayens LLC) Payment processor Ukraine and UK, Transfer Mechanism: SCC

To subscribe to email notifications regarding changes to the above list, send an email to [email protected] with the word "subscribe" in the body.

Last Updated: July 11, 2022

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