Worksection stands with Ukraine Here’s how you can help.
Easy management of simple and complex projects

We help agencies that bill by the hour and product companies manage projects, communicate effectively and control tasks online.

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Based on 100+ reviews
Users love Worksection on G2
Project dashboard
All key project metrics in one place. Interactive charts make it easy to analyze your entire project quickly.
Create tasks for yourself and your team, attach files, and communicate in the comments section of each task.
Plan time and resources to complete tasks. The built-in timer helps you track the time spent by each employee. For companies that bill by the hour, our time tracking feature provides detailed reports on the time spent on each project or task, making billing and analysis straightforward.
Gantt chart
Use the Gantt chart to visualize your project timelines and create task dependencies. This powerful tool lets you see due dates and relationships between tasks, enhancing planning and control.
Kanban boards
Kanban boards provide a visual and simple approach to Agile project management. Easily control, customize, and optimize your workflow with intuitive visuals.
Team communication
Each task features a contextual comment feed, enabling the team to communicate, share links, and attach files.
Customizable reports let you analyze projects, team performance, and costs for any time period. Sync with Google Sheets to create any custom report you need.
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Worldwide trust by 1600+ companies
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Gantt chart

The interactive Gantt chart will show all project tasks, timeframes, and responsible executives on a convenient time scale. Set a sequence for your tasks for a new task will open automatically upon completion of the previous one.

Flexibility in project management

Track your tasks in Kanban, find bottlenecks, complete your projects in time and make your workflow for your clients absolutely transparent.

Track time and financial expenses

Using timer will make your work process effective. Expenses tracking offers you full control and possibility to adjust planned expenses without lost resources.

Plans and prices

Start organizing your work now.
Try 14 days free.


2.9 USD
per user for annual payment (excluding VAT)
20 users for 59 USD per month
Storage, GB

For teams starting to manage projects

Projects and tasks
Gantt chart
Time and finance tracking
Multilingual support 24/7
Project statuses and tags

FTP storage
top proposition


2.5 USD
per user for annual payment (excluding VAT)
50 users for 127 USD per month
Storage, GB

Functionality required by growing companies

Projects and tasks
Gantt chart
Time and finance tracking
Multilingual support 24/7
Project statuses and tags

FTP storage


5.1 USD
per user for annual payment (excluding VAT)
50 users for 254 USD per month including 0 USD for extra 0 GB
Storage, GB

Maximum opportunities for the most demanding companies

All features of the Business tariff plus:

Advanced project settings
Contact labels
Time and finance tracking
Extended support 24/7
Project statuses and tags

FTP storage
Automatic backup
Own domain name

Personal Free

Great solution for managing personal projects and tasks



Maximum opportunities for large companies


Work­sec­tion has sig­nif­i­cant­ly helped us grow three­fold! Infor­ma­tion is nev­er lost, and projects are com­plet­ed faster. Our clients are also hap­py because they can see the process, which increas­es trust and loyalty.

We can’t imag­ine our com­pa­ny with­out Work­sec­tion. We receive a con­stant flow of new orders and clients, and we would have gone crazy with­out it!

We have been man­ag­ing projects with Work­sec­tion for sev­er­al years. This prod­uct allows us to bring togeth­er var­i­ous spe­cial­ists to work on a sin­gle project.

Large brands involve com­plex cam­paigns and mul­ti-lev­el tasks that can­not be planned on paper or in an Excel spread­sheet. As a result, we turned to Worksection.

If tasks are not tracked in a sin­gle inter­face, there is a high like­li­hood of miss­ing some­thing. Work­sec­tion is an excel­lent task man­ag­er for man­ag­ing con­struc­tion projects.

Work­sec­tion allows us to struc­ture our work and, most impor­tant­ly, track employ­ee time and mea­sure the effi­cien­cy of work on projects for our clients

Work­sec­tion not only keeps all project infor­ma­tion but also allows us to ana­lyze the com­pa­ny’s results

Even while on the go, I can assign tasks to employees or respond to clients about a project, and I can see all activities in the account directly from my smartphone.

We ini­tial­ly imple­ment­ed Work­sec­tion in one depart­ment, and it sig­nif­i­cant­ly sim­pli­fied our report­ing process! We no longer deal with XLS files and work chats!

With Work­sec­tion, we can track the direc­tion of our projects, under­stand the next steps, and assess how well we are performing.

Work­sec­tion is a sim­ple solu­tion that requires no pri­or train­ing or exper­tise in project management

Using Work­sec­tion has reduced chaos, ensured tasks are no longer lost, and pro­vid­ed the abil­i­ty to plan resources effectively.

The project’s work is tied to spe­cif­ic dates and times. It is impor­tant for us that peo­ple are always aware of what, when and where we will do it. 

Thanks to Work­sec­tion, a sin­gle project man­ag­er can han­dle all the film­ing and post-pro­duc­tion con­tent for Ukraїner.

We were able to ful­ly map out our com­pa­ny’s man­age­ment struc­ture and project work­flows using Kan­ban boards and Gantt charts in Worksection.

Work­sec­tion elim­i­nates infor­ma­tion over­load and allows for com­mu­ni­ca­tion direct­ly with­in the system.

I orga­nize projects in Work­sec­tion so the team knows their tasks, project progress, and can share infor­ma­tion with each other.

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